CineFix's 8-bit take on Finding Nemo reiterates the Pixar film's important lessons: Persevere and think twice before you touch the butt. All the important players make an appearance — though a little blurrier than their normal computer-generated selves.
The most seamless transition from the big screen to the '80s arcade screen is the hungry seagulls, which translate perfectly into a blip of Pac-Man chowing down.
See also: 15 Best Cat Memes Ever [MEOW]
Even in 8-bit, the father-son reunion scene is incredibly sweet.
Which other animated features deserve the 8-bit treatment? Tell us below in comments.
BONUS: 13 Supercuts of Movie Clichés
Cliched Supercuts 1. "You Just Don't Get It, Do You?" A study in misunderstandings. Video: YouTube, FilmDrunk Frotcast 2. "It's Gonna Blow" Knowing something is going to explode isn't as helpful as you would think. Video: YouTube, jesperc20 3. "I Can Explain" If you have to say it, you probably won't be given the chance to explain. Video: YouTube, Slacktory 4. Phone Numbers Beginning With 555 I guess this means you should be suspicious if you ask for someone's number and they rattle off "triple five." Video: YouTube, GoSwarmIt 5. "Are You Crazy?" The answer, most of the time, is yes. Video: YouTube, Zach Prewitt 6. "Shut Up" Famous "shut ups," often featuring a few colorful additional words. Video: YouTube, mewlists 7. Movie Titles in Movies Does it make you as excited as him? Video: YouTube, honsco 8. Superheros Introducing Themselves They really didn't get the memo about secret identities. Video: YouTube, screenjunkies 9. Looking Directly at the Camera A little unnerving, right? Video: YouTube, Clara Darko 10. "We're Not So Different, You and I" Lies. Video: YouTube, Slacktory 11. There Are Two Kinds of People Seems reductive, but all these characters are pretty convinced. Video: YouTube, honsco 12. Hit By a Bus Everyone really needs to stop making dramatic speeches in the middle of the road. Video: YouTube, hh1edits 13. "You Can't Park Here" A supercut of people laying down the parking laws, and others completely ignoring them. Video: YouTube, FilmDrunk Frotcast
Image: YouTube, CineFix
A study in misunderstandings.
Knowing something is going to explode isn't as helpful as you would think.
If you have to say it, you probably won't be given the chance to explain.
I guess this means you should be suspicious if you ask for someone's number and they rattle off "triple five."
The answer, most of the time, is yes.
Famous "shut ups," often featuring a few colorful additional words.
Does it make you as excited as him?
They really didn't get the memo about secret identities.
A little unnerving, right?
Seems reductive, but all these characters are pretty convinced.
Everyone really needs to stop making dramatic speeches in the middle of the road.
A supercut of people laying down the parking laws, and others completely ignoring them.
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