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Cosplaying Hard-to-Get: Speed Dating at Comic Con

A nervous-looking group of women begin to fill the room and take their seats at one of the grey chairs. Each spot is set with a pink card that's borderline uncomfortably close to the blue-card chairs.
As more and more chairs are taken, a women off to the side awkwardly scans the rows for an open space. The man running the program quickly noticed.
"There's a spot next to Black Widow for you," he says over the mic in his hand.
At Comic Con, speed dating might seem more or less intimidating than the ordinary session happening at your local bar, depending on how comfortable you feel while sitting across from a man in a cape or a woman dressed as Iron Man.
See also: 70 Weird, Wacky and WTF Costumes at Comic Con
"It's easier to talk to someone here because they know where I'm coming from," one animation enthusiast explained, as he faced the empty chair that rotated through the rows.
A man dressed as The Walking Dead's Daryl Dixon saw the speed-dating session as a way to get himself back out there. Another young man costumed as Luffy from the anime One Piece was hoping the experience would help improve his social skills.
In the end, Ursula sitting across from Lugi, Captain America chatting with Ash, the Power Ranger looking at the Queen of Hearts are no different then an unlikely pair participating in any other speed-dating session.
They were just looking for someone to hang out with — and just maybe, someone who would sit with them in an overnight release line.
Homepage Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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