আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


Fairness skin

As I always told you that fair skin or fairness of skin or dark skin color is due to heredity. If you have dark skin heredity you could not get fair skin and also same with fair skin color heredity. But you can improve your fairness and you can get some lighter skin tone with proper treatment. In this post I will tell you some homemade tips to get more fair skin complexion or lighter skin tone. Tips number 1. • Take one big size of potato and crush it well. Now squeeze it and take 4 tablespoon of fresh potato juice in a glass bowl. • Now wash your face with lukewarm water and apply this juice on your face with your fingers giving a round motion. Leave it on your face to dry and wash with warm water and moisturize. Tips number 2. • Take some fresh coconut water in a glass bowl and after washing your face with lukewarm water apply this with the help of a cotton ball on your face. Leave it to dry and wash with water and moisturize. Tips number 3. • Take one well beaten egg white in a glass bowl and apply it on your face after washing with lukewarm water and let it be dry. After that wash with warm water and moisturize. Tips number 4. • Take 1/2 cup of raw milk in a glass bowl and add 1 tablespoon of sandalwood powder and mix well. Now wash your face and apply this with your finger tips on your face. After 30 minutes wash your face with lukewarm water and moisturize. Tips number 5. • Take 1/2 cup of milk in a glass bowl and add 1 tablespoon of dried orange peel powder in it and mix it well and leave for 5 minutes. Now after washing your face with lukewarm water apply this on your face. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash with warm water and moisturize. These tips are very useful to improve your skin color and to get more fair skin with lighter skin tone. It also prevents your skin with acne or pimple and remove face spots also. Aloe Vera is a boon of nature in the treatment of many skin disorders and to maintain our good skin health. It is used as an ingredient in many branded skin care products. It is also used in so many homemade remedies. In this post I will tell you how you can prepare a facial mask at your home using Aloe Vera gel. This facial mask will remove face spots of pimple and acne scars with in few weeks if you apply this home treatment regularly. Follow the steps below • First of all cut a piece of fresh aloe vera leaf and squeeze gel. Now take 2 tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel in a glass bowl. • Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil. • Also add 2 or 3 drops of lemon juice. Now mix all the ingredients well to become smooth. Now at night before going to bed, wash your face with lukewarm water and apply this mask on your face giving a gentle massage avoiding your eyes. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash with lukewarm water and moisturize. Repeat this application minimum 3 days in a week. It will also nourish, exfoliate and hydrate your skin and remove your all the dark skin spots or pimple scars in few weeks and you will get face glow with more fairness. You can apply this mask on all skin type. You can also apply aloe Vera adding some sandalwood powder to do this follow the steps below. • First of all take one tablespoon of sandalwood powder in a glass bowl. You can get this powder from any cosmetic store. • Now add 2 tablespoon of fresh aloe Vera gel in it. • Also add 1 teaspoon of rose water.

অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।

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