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Bill Gates Is Now a Magazine Editor

Wired magazine handed over its December issue to rookie guest editor Bill Gates, who helped to curate an issue focused on innovation to cure disease, save lives and end poverty.
The issue, which Gates began working on in the spring, hit newsstands on Wednesday.
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The Gates-edited magazine includes stories on eradicating polio, mapping projects and "school-in-a-box" education solutions for Africa. In addition to the print magazine, Gates is featured in an online video package that also includes former President Bill Clinton.
"Bill read over almost everything in the issue multiple times and gave extensive notes on it," Wired's Editor in Chief Scott Dadich told Mashable."
The issue is filled with content such as Gates' Holiday Wishlist, for which he dreamt up four gadgets that don't actually exist and would have the potential to help people around the world. His ideas were then presented to design firms who built prototypes that are featured in the magazine.
According to Dadich, Gates also helped Wired achieve stories it had long been considering pursuing, particularly lending his expertise toward one about stamping out the last couple of hundred polio cases.
"Bill is one of the top five people in the world on polio, so he's uniquely qualified to comment on it," Dadich says. "We think the issue has the potential to change a few minds," Dadich says.
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Image: Ramin Talaie/Getty Images

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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