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3 Girls Find Kickass Way to Play With Princess Toys

Keep your pretty pink princess toys, because these girls don't need them.
Toy company GoldieBlox wants girls' playtime to move beyond dolls and fairy tales. The company, founded by Stanford engineer Debra Sterling, teamed up with three science-loving girls and a Rube Goldberg machine expert to create a complicated contraption from all those unwanted "girly" toys.
See also: 'You're Not A Princess' Ad Campaign Pushes Female Empowerment
The team set off the ingenious device, filmed the epic result and set the whole thing to a remixed version of the Beastie Boys 1987 hit "Girls."
The song was reworked to sound more like an anthem for female empowerment than a dude-fueled party tune. Lyrics like, "'cause all our toys look just the same and we would like to use our brains" might inspire even adult girls to construct a Rube Goldberg in their cubicles today.
Image: YouTube, GoldieBlox

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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