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Twitter Finally Explains Twitter

For the socially savvy, hashtags and trending topics are very much a part of the 21st century vernacular. For others, these terms may prompt a question: What is Twitter?
A YouTube video answering that very question was tweeted out by @TwitterGuide, one of Twitter's experimental accounts, last week.
See also: 10 Must-Follow Breaking News Accounts on Twitter
The video was published in February, but has fewer than 100 views, likely because it is unlisted and comes with the standard warning: "This video is unlisted. Be considerate and think twice before sharing." You can only view unlisted videos when someone shares the link, as they are unsearchable.
Twitter did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Among other things, the video describes Twitter as "the fastest way to get real-time information from around the world," and goes on to compare the service to a personalized newspaper, with tweets acting as headlines.
The video is another way that Twitter has worked to attract new users in recent months. In October, the platform changed its login page to better explain its functionalities.
Last week, a new verified Twitter account under the handle @TwitterGuide popped up with tips on how to use and understand the service. The new account is a "Twitter Experiment," according to its bio, and explains everything from retweeting and usernames to followers.
Welcome! We're glad you're here. Twitter instantly connects you to a global conversation. Tap this tweet and watch! https://t.co/Z7mMSiUtEy
— The Twitter Guide (@TwitterGuide) November 13, 2013
The push toward adding new users is important for Twitter, which said in its S-1 document that user growth is expected to slow over time, as it taps into and exhausts the current group of interested tweeters.
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Image: Andrew Burton/Getty Images

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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