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6 Tech Hacks for Your Thanksgiving Meal

Yes, a whole turkey, in a crock pot. It sounds too good to be true, but it's entirely possible. Just make sure you keep an eye on the temperature, as you would if you were making it in the traditional way. Follow this recipe, and in a few short hours you will have your main dish perfectly prepared.
Steamed vegetables are delicious, healthy and make a great side for any feast. If you want to steam them without using the traditional methods, wrap them up in aluminum foil and throw them in the dishwasher. As long as the wrapping is tight, no remnants of soap should get in and no veggies will get out.
If you're feeling really experimental or don't have a dishwasher, you can steam food under the hood of your car.
Turkey isn't always the main food at Thanksgiving. For those looking to impress friends with delicious sous-vide meat -- without spending a small fortune on a special machine -- there's another way. Use your beer cooler and some plastic zip-lock bags for tender meat at a fraction of the cost. Just make sure to check the temperature often so the meat is cooked to perfection.
When you're already making several dishes at once, an easy task like making mac and cheese can become a hassle. Instead of boiling the water or putting it in the oven, throw it in the rice cooker and don't give it a second thought. This quick recipe will help you worry about more pressing food concerns.
Tip: Feel free to change the chicken broth with vegetable broth to make it vegetarian!
Biscuits are the best version of bread to have at your dinner table, but they can burn in the oven if you don't pay attention. Instead of hoping you'll remember to take them out in 30 minutes, why not cook them on a griddle? They will come out denser than if they were baked, but they'll be just as delicious.
If you'd like to make some warm and gooey cookies, the same method works. Make the dough according to this recipe and scoop them onto the griddle.
Forget the traditional pumpkin pie -- with a cake this delicious and easy to make, you may never want to bake again. Taking inspiration from the icebox cakes of the 1920s, all you have to do is assemble the ingredients and leave it in the fridge overnight. Your friends will be impressed and you'll save time and energy with this great recipe.
Not everyone has a large enough kitchen to cook an entire Thanksgiving feast with all the trimmings. But a delicious Thanksgiving meal is still within reach, and there's no need to buy it pre-made from the store or a restaurant.
With a little creativity and willingness to experiment, the perfect holiday dinner is attainable with basic kitchen appliances and supplies — no stove or oven required.
See also: The 7 Best Kitchen Gadgets for a Stress-Free Thanksgiving
The gallery above describes six easy, delicious and quirky ways to make your Thanksgiving meal the envy of all who taste it, without even having to use oven mitts.
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Homepage image: Flickr, EraPhernalia Vintage

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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