আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন



INTRODUCTION : In this age of Science any person with common sense knows, religion was fabricated in the past by some men. These men were aware, they would perish from this world in no time. And they wanted the future generations to keep in mind some of their sayings like, ”there is someone called god, god has created this world and human being, god would punish the offender and reward the good doer, god is likes flattering and rewards the flatterer, etc”. This day their intelligent descendants have discovered, there is absolutely no need to remember their sayings because all those are wrong. Science has taught us the truth. We now know, no one created this world. It was created by the nature’s laws, all of which are not yet clear to the scientists. There is absolutely no possibility of this force to be happy by flattering (praying) or give reward or punishment. We know, everything concerning and related to a man ends up with his death. After we, the sensible and intelligent men come to know this fact, we find absolutely no logical reason for religion to exist. CANNOT YOU CONSIDER A LITTLE ? Let us not care what the people having vested interest in the business of religion say in its support. But at times innocent men are found to appeal, “Cannot you consider a little ?” Please imagine yourself walking through a road in a city. You see, there is a school. It gives education to your children. The government and the people give money and it endeavors to pay back. This one is a hospital, it takes care of your health. That one is a park. Go in, walk and breathe its fresh air. It is nice. That one is a shop, you can purchase items there. That one is a government office. It helps in administration. Now look at that corner. On that important site that large building is a prayer house. In some countries the government pours profuse money for such establishments. In some other countries people with certain characteristics of faith supplies the money. Quite often the government gives them subsides. What is the contribution of such a house to the society ? Such prayer houses have absolutely no responsibility or concern for the society as a whole. Some of the prayer houses are so mean-minded that they think of the welfare of the people of their own faith only. Some even pray for the destruction of the others. Their activities do not end up with such prayers only, at times they send suicide bombers to murder others. Some other prayer houses may be slightly liberal. But still their contribution to this world is negligible. In most cases it s Zero, Zero and at times it is negative. Why then should we consider them ? THEY SAY, THEY MAKE GOOD MEN : They say, they make good men. After seeing the so-called morality of the religious people it is hard for us to help laughing. The world had seen enough of good men produced by the prayer houses. We find it hard to decide who of the three causes more men to die : (01) War, (02) Disease or (03) Religion ? By killing billions of people in cool blood, the religious people have proved, religion is destructive and heinous like disease or war. No religion deserves the right to punish the people belonging to other religions. Some religions have advocated stern punishments for the offenders of their own religion. Could they apprehend, following their religion would lead to a situation, where they could be disciplined with that type of punishment only ? Is the liberal type of punishments of the secular countries creating havoc ? CONCLUSION : In this world religious establishments have billions of acres of land and other properties under their possessions. The people in general are not benefited from these properties. Only few people with vested interest are benefited. These establishments have failed to produce good men. It is high time for the United Nations to take up a program to assess, if these establishments have come to be any help for the common people. Or, how much harm these establishments are causing to the society. There is absolutely no reason to allow these establishments to exist, unless they can prove their universal contribution for the human being. If the UN takes such a program, we know there would be hue and cry by some persons. That would make us to identify the persons who have vested interest in the religion-business. After seeing both faces of religion it is high time for the civilized countries to hold the religious establishments accountable for the activities of their followers.

অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।