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13 Party Tips From 'Mrs. Doubtfire'

Mrs. Doubtfire was released twenty years ago this week, which means people have spent the past two decades in homage by getting drunk and shoving cakes in their face.
Mrs. Doubtfire can teach you a lot of things, like never count on someone coming home at a specific time. Also, tricking your ex-wife into thinking your an elderly women doesn't repair your relationship.
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But if you look closely, it can also help you with less heavy matters, like throwing an awesome party.
Your ability to play the kazoo could be the exact tension-breaker between your friend and her recent ex who you forgot to uninvite.
"Door's open!" doesn't count.
Games are just a collection of people and objects with made-up rules. You could be making up the next True American.
Your counter could be a place to put the chips and dip. It could also be a stage.
If you're going to sing Barbra, you need to become Barbra.
If you're not sure what your party prep beauty regimen should be, follow the his and hers guide from Destiny's Child.
Sometimes you show up to a party in the absolute wrong outfit but you just have to go with it.
Because the minute you start ignoring a corner of the party, a goat will eat your flowers.
The difference between a pillow fight and a fight club. A party needs boundaries.
Whether or not it starts because of an unspoken feud between two guests is beside the point.
Because if you can find a face in a fridge, you can find party favors in your pantry.
This is also a good tip for everyday life.
Blasting Aerosmith helps.
Image: 20th Century Fox

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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