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10 Reasons to Go Shopping on Black Friday

One day each year, millions of Americans wake long before dawn and head out into the cold. Bundled in their thickest winter coats and softest scarves, they huddle together outside stores, adrenaline rising, waiting for the main event to start. We're talking, of course, about Black Friday.
The biggest shopping day of the year isn't for the weak-hearted. To take full advantage of Black Friday potential, you'll have to conquer the early wake-up call, the long lines and strong possibility that someone's mom is going to beat you up over who scores the last Blu-ray player.
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But when you finally make it back to the car, dragging bags full of presents for your loved ones, you'll know your zen-like patience paid off.
Need a bit more convincing? Check out 10 more reasons why you should head to the mall on Black Friday.
Image: Flickr, Gunnshots

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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