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14 Superlatives for Movies in 2013

Every November, commentators muse about the year's best films. These are usually the Oscar contenders — the ones that received glowing reviews, and debuted to packed theaters.
But what about the movies of 2013 that excelled in other ways? Maybe they didn't have the best writing, acting or production, but they did have the best use of a Britney Spears song.
See also: 14 Stunning Photographs That Bridge Past and Present
These films deserve recognition for their smaller triumphs.
It's probably safe to say no actual giraffes were harmed in the making of this movie, but it doesn't mean people who saw this scene won't shudder with the memory whenever they see the Toys 'R Us mascot.
Slash-fic writers could only be filled with more glee if Daniel Radcliffe made out with Tom Felton himself.
Also worthy of "Most Articulate Zombie," and "Zombie With Best Taste in Music."
Because what every film about teenage criminals needs is a little relaxing with early Britney Spears.
Watch, as Pepper Potts' hair flows majestically and seamlessly with the bits of broken house. Watch it for a while.
Insert magic-related pole dancing pun here.
None of these actors could find a better way to spend their time? Maybe take up woodworking or making ships in a bottle?
Quidditch can't be held within a single franchise.
Secure your child's mask after your own, then in engage in some yoga breathing and hope both sides of your plane stay attatched.
Get it?
This scene in the trailer was the deciding factor for many people on the fence about whether the film was worth their money.
Between Thor's golden locks and Loki's mullet of evil, this wasn't even a contest.
They're a few dwarfs down, but the 1D boys get extra points for enthusiasm.
A tough year for the category, Sharnado barely beat Shark Avalanche.
Image: Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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