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Festive 'Wrecking Ball' Parody Takes a Hammer to Christmas Naysayers

Looking for the gift that keeps on giving this holiday season? Another Miley Cyrus parody, this time with a Christmas twist, has come in like a wrecking ball — it even brought the eggnog and three-flavored popcorn tin.
Comedians Dave and Brian sing the chorus, "I really wanna deck the halls," as Santa swings on a wrecking ball-sized Christmas ornament with a little too much Cyrus-like reckless abandon.
See also: 10 Ways to Break the Truth About Christmas to Your Child
Despite Santa's own poor choices throughout video, the comedians seem to be generally condemning Miley's life choices as they ominously croon, "don't be scandalous/ like Miley Cyrus/ Santa is watching you." It looks like a certain tongue-flicking pop star is getting nothing but coal in her stocking this year.
Image: YouTube, daveandbrian2
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BONUS: 16 Adorable Christmas Scrooges

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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