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Lionsgate Hatches Plan to Turn Twitter Book Into TV Show

Twitter's founding story made for an excellent book, and now television producers are hoping the story translates to your television screen.
On Wednesday, Lionsgate Television announced that it secured the rights to Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal, with plans to turn it into a TV series depicting Twitter's early days.
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The book, a detailed account of Twitter's history written by New York Times columnist Nick Bilton, was released in November. Bilton will write the screenplay and serve as the show's producer, according to press release.
I'm going to Hollywood! Well, "Hatching Twitter" is... Lionsgate to begin TV development of my book: http://t.co/CWDOvmCVbm
— Nick Bilton (@nickbilton) December 18, 2013
Hatching Twitter includes a complicated backstory about the company's four-man founding team. The book shed light on technical struggles and executive power struggles that come with turning a small Silicon Valley startup into one of the world's largest social networks.
“Twitter has transformed almost every aspect of our lives from politics to business to friendship, and I can’t think of a more compelling story to adapt for television right now,” said Kevin Beggs, chairman of the Lionsgate Television Group, in a statement.
Lionsgate has a history of transforming stories from page to screen. The studio also produced successful movie franchises like The Hunger Games and Twilight, as well as the popular Netflix series Orange Is the New Black and AMC's Mad Men.
Since the project is just entering series development, a cast is unconfirmed, according to sources familiar with the arrangement.
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Image: Andrew Burton/Getty Images

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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