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Christmas Morning, as Directed by 10 Famous Filmmakers

When we think of Hollywood directors like Martin Scorsese, Lars Von Trier or Michael Moore, we think of gritty, violent or soul-crushingly sad movies. Essentially, they are the opposite of what you'd expect from a Christmas movie.
Fourgrounds Media Inc. teamed up with Suitcase in Point Theatre Company to imagine Christmas morning through famous directors' eyes.
See also: All The Christmas Movies You Need in One Mashup
Their clever video acts out scenes directed in the styles of 10 filmmakers, including Scorsese, Von Trier and Moore, as well as Wes Anderson, Steven Spielberg and Woody Allen. The clip pulls inspiration from some of the directors' most iconic movie moments, including the opening scene in Scorsese's The Departed featuring "Gimme Shelter" by The Rolling Stones.
The video nails down these directorial styles so perfectly, we're almost bummed they're not real.
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BONUS: 9 Unofficial Christmas Movies That Should Be Holiday Classics
Because every dude you went to high school with can't be wrong (on this subject, anyway).
Halloween or Christmas? It's a pointless battle that needs to stop.
I mean ... it was on Christmas Day.
As ABC Family's "25 Days of Christmas" commands it, so shall it be.
What would Mean Girls be without "Jingle Bell Rock?" And without its Christmas cheer, no one would even know about Glen Coco.
Another solid Christmas movie that's often shoved into the Halloween category. They might be furry little monsters, but they're furry little monsters in late December wearing Santa hats.
Because one of the film's most important moments is the gift of Christmas puppy.
A generally heartwarming film that ends with a horde of orphans opening Christmas presents; how could this not be considered a Christmas movie?
If New Year's Eve movies were a thing, it might make that list -- but for now this rom com is not only a Christmas movie, but a Christmas test. As you watch it, ask yourself, "Do you have someone to help you carry your tree, or are you dragging it alone?"
Image: YouTube, Fourgroundsmediainc

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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