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The Oddball Gadget of 2013: Curved Smartphones

Smartphone technology arguably peaked in 2013, as different phones and operating systems became more alike than unlike, offering virtually interchangeable designs and feature sets. But just when you thought the mobile industry was becoming a single, oblong monolith made of glass and metal, something new emerged: the curved smartphone.
This fall both Samsung and LG unveiled smartphone designs with curved screens. The Samsung Galaxy Round has a display that curves horizontally so its 5.7-inch screen feels more comfortable when pressed against a leg in a pants pocket. The LG G Flex, on the other hand, has a 6-inch screen that curves vertically — all the better to match your face when using the device as an actual phone.
See also: 6 Creative Hacks for Your Smartphone
In either case, the curved screen reduces reflections, which has a real visual benefit, display experts say. Especially when watching video, the lack of glare is noticeable, and when you watch one of the curvy phones beside a regular one, you suddenly see all those room light reflections that were taking your flat-screen experience down a notch.
We got our hands on both phones recently (with a little help from our friends at TechSmartt. After using them for a while, I found I preferred the G Flex's more "cinematic" screen for watching video, although the Galaxy Round's display made the colors pop a little more than on the flat screen of the (same size) Galaxy Note 3. Ergonomically, the Samsung is the clear winner — it's much more pocketable than the larger, bulgier G Flex — although both are such big phones, their form factors are inherently off-putting.
Separate from its curved screen, the G Flex has a specially treated resin on the back of the phone that's said to be "self-healing." It protects from small scratches, supposedly making them less noticeable after a few hours. However, a larger scratch (like the one we applied in the above video) takes longer and still leaves a permanent mark.
The emergence of curved screens on both cellphones and TVs is no coincidence: It represents a maturing of OLED technology, whose ultra-thin displays are naturally bendable. The logical next step from curved phones is fully bendable gadgets, although that would require more than just the screen to be flexible. Fortunately, that's in the works.
Both the Galaxy Round and G Flex are available only in parts of Asia for now, but LG has said its phone will be coming to the U.S. next year, and it's extremely likely Samsung will follow suit. Curved phones in smaller screen sizes will probably soon follow.
Will curved smartphones be the next big thing in mobile or simply a niche product — a solution looking for a problem? Based on initial reports, interest is weak, but maybe the idea just needs to find its killer app. In any case, the arc for curved smartphones is just beginning.
This fall saw the emergence of curved smartphones: the LG G Flex (left) and the Samsung Galaxy Round (right). The LG curves vertically while the Samsung curves horizontally, each with different advantages.
Image: Mashable
The LG's curve is more dramatic since it curves along its length.
Image: Mashable
The G Flex's curve better matches a face than a flat-screen phone, although it brings the phone's microphone only infinitesimally closer to the mouth.
Image: Mashable
You can press down on the back of the G Flex and won't break the phone.
Image: Mashable
The curved screen on the G Flex reduces room reflections, resulting in a better experience for watching video.
Image: Mashable
The Samsung Galaxy Round's screen also reduces reflections and makes colors appear a little more poppy.
Image: Mashable
When in a pocket, the Galaxy Round's curve helps make it feel like you're not actually carrying around a giant smartphone.
Image: Mashable
Since the Round's curve is horizontal, it's less noticeable than the G Flex's.
Image: Mashable
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Images: Mashable

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