Walgreens is reaching out to consumers who are so walloped with a cold or flu that a trip to the corner drugstore seems an insurmountable obstacle.
The national drug chain is partnering with TaskRabbit, the online mobile marketplace, to allow deliveries of over-the-counter cold medicine in any of the 19 cities in which TaskRabbit is available. Such deliveries can be made via TaskRabbit's iOS app or on its website. Standard TaskRabbit rates apply including a 20% service charge and a runner's fee. So if a runner's fee is $10, you would pay an additional $12 plus the cost of your cold medicine, to get the delivery.
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The partnership, arranged by OMD's Ignition Factory, runs this week through Feb. 18, typically the weeks in which cold and flu complaints have the sharpest increases. During that time, the Walgreens option will appear in TaskRabbit's iOS app's Task Wheel and on the website. Though TaskRabbit has partnered with other national brands, including Pepsi, this is its first with a retailer.
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However, the deal is more of a pr exercise than anything else: Consumers have had the ability arrange a TaskRabbit to shop and buy cold medicine at Walgreens prior to the agreement. The chain is hoping to raise awareness about this option, though.
"We just wanted to make it as easy as possible," says Wilson Standish, project manager at Ignition Factory. "When you're sick, you don't even want to get out of bed."
Image: Craig Mitchelldyer/Getty Images
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