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12 Premium Responsive Landing Page Templates

Hype is a stunning responsive landing page for your app that looks great on any screen or device. It supports Retina displays, so all images are served in large resolutions with vector-based icons so your site is crisp and sharp. There are three homepage variants to choose from: solid color, image background and video background. The theme also includes eight color variations, more than 130 SVG icons, device mockups and a working newsletter form.
It's compatible with Bootstrap 3 and includes the PSD files, and includes organized and well-commented code, as well as detailed documentation.
Price: $12
Permatex is a lead generating responsive landing page that includes three unique layouts, 11 color themes, a color picker, slider and quote forms, and an Ajax autoresponder. The theme neatly integrates with MailChimp and features a collapsible FAQ section and portfolio utilizing Lightbox.
It's powered by Twitter Bootstrap and includes more than 300 font icons, as well as easily customized PSD files for the front page. There is also a WordPress option to purchase if you plan on using a Content Management System.
Price: $10
Eventcamp is a one-page marketing template to promote events. Customization is easy -- changing the template color only requires a quick search-and-replace action. The theme comes complete with an Ajax contact form, extensive documentation, three homepage variations and smooth scrolling. As the landing page is fully responsive, it displays perfectly on all screens and devices.
The theme is ideal for those organizing an event or conference looking for quick setup. The layout includes sections on performers and speakers, a program, ticket prices, locations and a contact form.
Price: $12
Katemi is a multi-purpose product and app landing page, ideal for promoting your business with its "Take a Tour" and "Image Annotations" features. Created with Twitter Bootstrap 3, it's fully responsive and built using a mobile-first approach, with SEO friendly structure and code.
Noteworthy features also include Flexslider testimonials, content slider, Toggle FAQ, Icon Fonts, CSS animations, pricing table and Prettyphoto jQuery for images and video embeds. The theme includes working contact and subscribe forms with validation.
Price: $11
Lista is a landing page template for your newsletter, download or service. It makes use of the Z Reading Pattern to guide the eye around the design and ultimately convert your visitors into subscribers and buyers. The landing page contains 12 key points that every successful landing page needs, including a headline, subhead, video, call to action, description, newsletter form, security, steps, text content, screenshots and testimonials.
The theme is built using CSS3 on the 960 Grid System, with SEO optimized code, and also includes sliced PSDs and documentation.
Price: $8
Flatr is a parallax multi-purpose landing page that's perfect as a "coming soon" template, and is fully configurable with HTML5 video background support and photo background. It features a metro-style counter, Twitter feed, social media icons and easy-to-use settings to get up and running quickly.
The theme is built on ZURB Foundation and Modernizer, and uses Google web fonts. It comes with a working PHP subscription form and is designed for those who require a stylish "under construction" page that can capture subscribers and build interest.
Price: $8
Off the Shelf is designed specifically for e-book authors and marketers to help get your product noticed. It's fully responsive and is built using HTML5 and CSS3, combined with the Foundation Framework. There are 10 gradients, eight colors, 15 background images and 10 textures included with a modularized interface to make adding, removing and editing sections easy.
The theme is lightweight, so it loads in seconds and includes a functional contact form, CSS Sprites, layered PSD files, the Font Awesome icon font and Google web fonts.
Price: $11
Kamus is a clean, responsive landing page suited to any type of business, product or service. It's built using Twitter Bootstrap 3, featuring a flat design style and HTML5 markup with CSS3. It uses media queries to display well on tablets and devices, with easy-to-use content elements and more 350 icons included from Font Awesome.
The theme is built on a 1200 grid system and includes the PSD files and a newsletter subscription form to capture potential customers and help start building your list as soon you launch.
Price: $10
Convertix is a responsive landing page template based on Twitter Bootstrap, featuring SEO-friendly heading tags and Google web fonts. It's built using HTML5 and CSS3, and its modular design makes it incredibly easy to customize.
There are six skins to choose from, with a functional contact form and a features slideshow powered by jQuery. The template includes layered PSD files and a button pack, along with full documentation.
Price: $9
Serva is a clean, responsive landing page that's built on the 960 grid system, using HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery to ensure gracefully degrading code. There are nine color variants, call to action areas, a scrolling header, social icons, MailChimp integration and a Fancybox image lightbox.
The theme is SEO-optimized and includes detailed how-to documentation to help you get started quickly on customizing the theme to suit your requirements.
Price: $12
Subscriber is a stunning Retina landing page to help you build a strong email list and achieve a high rate of conversions. There are four pages bundled with the theme, including Contact, About, Pricing and Thank You.
The responsive layout provides an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices. You can embed your YouTube or Vimeo videos, or host your own video in your server with a customized player. The code is fully commented with in-depth documentation.
Price: $12
Landiin features a simple, responsive design, specially designed as a smartphone app landing page that is Retina-ready and built using HTML5 and CSS3. The theme is jQuery-powered and features a responsive flex slider and two alternative pages with different iPhone designs. It is also touch swipe-enabled. The files included are the download page HTML, full documentation HTML and both standard and Retina Photoshop files.
The theme is highly documented, with an organized file structure, which means that working with the theme is a breeze.
Price: $11
As mobile growth continues to soar, the need for responsive landing pages increases, so you can successfully market your product, application or service across all types of screens and devices.
A well-designed, functional landing page will allow you to initiate a marketing campaign without the usual overheads associated with a web design project. We've collected 12 responsive landing page templates that will help you improve user experience, increase user engagement and end up with a higher conversion rate.
See also: 7 Responsive Design Tips to Revamp Your Workflow
Each of the templates uses HTML5 and CSS3, and many were built using Twitter Bootstrap 3, making them easy to update, maintain and customize to suit your requirements.
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সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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