WARNING: Serious spoilers ahead. Seriously.
Frank Underwood ruined Valentine's Day. Or he improved it, depending on your feelings about Zoe Barnes.
House of Cards debuted its second season on Netflix Friday (Cupid's Day) and episode one ended with a bang. Make that a messy thud. (Sorry.)
See also: 'House of Cards' Review: Truth Hurts For the Good Guys
The violent death of Barnes at the hands of the VP shocked fans who shared their feelings online. No one understands your pain like the Internet, HoC fans.
Zoe Barnes really took the fast train to success. Good for her. #HouseOfCards
— Shane (@Shanerton) February 18, 2014
If the Hyperloop ever gets built, I'd like to dedicate the first station to Zoe Barnes.
— Bored Elon Musk (@BoredElonMusk) February 17, 2014
Really jarring to see Zoe Barnes using iOS 6. Frank should push her to update.
— Sam Faulkner Biddle (@samfbiddle) February 15, 2014
Well, at least I'm having a better Valentines Day than Zoe Barnes.
— Derek Dye (@ddye022) February 14, 2014
Holy. Wow. This is my face after the first episode of House of Cards Season Two pic.twitter.com/6QNTOQ1IzJ
— Jason SurfrApp (@iwearyourshirt) February 15, 2014
My reaction after watching the first episode of House of Cards, Season 2: pic.twitter.com/4knA52Cxoi
— Patrick Cassidy (@PJCassidy) February 18, 2014
“House of Cards” spoilers: Frank is smoking e-cigs, but Zoe is still on iOS 6.
— Zach Seward (@zseward) February 15, 2014
Would it be incorrect to say that Zoe Barnes is now #6feetUnderwood ?
— Grace Gould (@graciegee94) February 15, 2014
Obama's gonna be like this when he sees House of Cards episode 1 s2.. #Houseofcards pic.twitter.com/46YZIaD1mI
— Austin Moore (@CominWithMoore) February 14, 2014
Me, after episode one of season two of "House Of Cards"
— Mackenstein (@FatuousFloozy) February 15, 2014
Going to spend Valentine's Day alone watching #HouseOfCards. Zoe Barnes can be my valentine. She'll never leave me...
— Alex Forstenhausler (@Aforstenhausler) February 15, 2014
If nothing else, my valentine's day was better than Zoe Barnes' was. #HouseOfCards
— NCN (@nikkibama) February 15, 2014
"Did you think I had forgotten you?" Frank Underwood asks the audience at the end of episode 1 of House of Cards. "I DID!" I answered back.
— Laurie Brunner (@Twizznit) February 15, 2014
the train hit zoe barnes like pic.twitter.com/CbZQZBnyMy
— izembaro (@izembaro2) February 18, 2014
Zoe Barnes hasn't upgraded to iO7. The most disturbing and hard-to-believe part of @HouseofCards to date. pic.twitter.com/1hzLknWPGd
— Giuliana Hazelwood (@iamsweetg) February 16, 2014
Image: Imgur, elabrosse
Just wait for the rest of season two...
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