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Email Enhancer Hop Launches iPad App

Hop, an app that aims to transform your inbox into a messaging platform, launched an iPad version of its app on Thursday.
The company also updated its iPhone app with new features, including support for multiple email accounts.
See also: The 25 Best Free iPad Apps
The Hop app borrows many features typically seen in messaging platforms, including real-time messaging, customized notifications, status indicators and icons that allow you to see when someone is typing.
The new iPad app and iPhone update adds support for up to three email accounts, gesture-based controls, new image previews and Dropbox, Twitter and Evernote integration.

Hop's iPad app..
Image: Hop
Hop cofounder Erez Pilosof says his company is trying to improve the mobile experience of email by making it a more contextual experience that reflects the way people interact with their mobile devices.
"I was frustrated with the mobile experience of email," Pilosof said in an interview with Mashable. "Email has to adapt to us, not the other way around."
Hop first launched its email app in October 2013 under the name Ping. At that time, users who downloaded the app had to wait in a queue before gaining access to the app — similar to the launch of email app Mailbox.
With the iPad launch and iPhone update, Hop is eliminating the queue so anyone can download Hop and start using it right away. In addition to the iPad app, the Israel-based company announced an alpha version of an Android app that will be available to a limited number of users.
The latest version of Hop is available now in the App Store.

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সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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