NBC is reviving Heroes, Tim Kring's popular sci-fi TV drama about people with superhuman abilities, as a miniseries in 2015. The network revealed the comeback Saturday night, saying it has ordered 13 episodes "for a new standalone story arc" called Heroes Reborn.
Before the show debuts on TV in 2015, NBC plans to launch a digital series to introduce the plot and characters, some of whom may be cast members from the original series' four seasons, which aired from 2006 to 2010.
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The show helped pioneer multiplatform storytelling, as some narratives were told only online — an uncharacteristic tactic for networks at the time.
Among the people in the original cast, which include several actors in a few of today's hit shows across networks, were Hayden Panettiere, Zachary Quinto, Ali Larter, Jack Coleman, Milo Ventimiglia, Masi Oka, Greg Grunberg and Adrian Pasdar.
“The enormous impact Heroes had on the television landscape when it first launched in 2006 was eye-opening,” Jennifer Salke, president of NBC Entertainment, said in a statement. "Shows with that kind of resonance don’t come around often and we thought it was time for another installment."
"We’re thrilled that visionary creator Tim Kring was as excited about jumping back into this show as we were and we look forward to all the new textures and layers Tim plans to add to his original concept," Salke added. "Until we get closer to air in 2015, the show will be appropriately shrouded in secrecy, but we won’t rule out the possibility of some of the show’s original cast members popping back in."
The show attracted somewhat of a cult following after it was canceled. As NBC noted, 10 million DVDs of Heroes have been sold.
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