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10 Brutal Spotify Recommendations That Made Us Rethink Our Life Choices

Is that a "breakups" playlist? Are you serious?
Here, look at this beautiful landscape with me. What are you thinking of? Still Redfoo?! You're helpless.
You know your great-grandfather came to this country with 11 cents and the clothes on his back, right? What's all this about blurring lines?
Remember how numb we were in 2007? So numb.
Do they even have other songs? How did you find all these?
That's "Clay Weekend" to you, and we've been looking forward to it all year.
Wait right here, we'll get the face paint.
Can't we watch a fun movie? Let's watch a fun movie instead.
It's cool, we only listen to the "squeaky clean" versions.
If anyone wants to check out our 40-page thesis on why they're not "just another jam band," let us know.
Spotify really gets us.
When we want to listen to our favorite artists without buying their albums, it's there. When we want to make a quick road trip playlist, it's there. When we want some new music recommendations, it's — err, well, it certainly tries.
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Spotify's recommendations, available through its "Discover" page, read like texts from a timid friend desperately trying to get you to try new things. "If you like this, maybe, I dunno, maybe you'd like to try this other thing, too? Or maybe not. No pressure. We still on for Saturday?"
It's high-time for Spotify to get a bit more aggressive with its recommendations. We know our musical tastes are strange and you don't want to offend anyone, but come on, stop being so polite. Because we're here to help, we went ahead and created 10 perfect examples in the above gallery. Let's call this one "friends helping friends," and see where it takes us.
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সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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