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Facebook to Resurrect F8 Developer Conference for First Time in 3 Years

Facebook is bringing back F8, the company's major developer conference, for the first time in almost three years.
Parse CEO Ilya Sukhar, who also became a Facebook product manager after Parse was acquired by Facebook last April, announced the upcoming conference during a presentation at SXSW on Saturday.
See also: Where in the World Are Facebook's Developers?
The F8 conference is scheduled for April 30 at the Design Concourse in San Francisco, and Facebook expects more than 1,500 developers from around the world to be in attendance.
Facebook doesn't host F8 conferences on a set schedule; the last F8 took place in September 2011. But that doesn't mean the company takes the conference lightly.
At the last F8, Facebook made two major announcements, including the unveiling of Timeline. The other major announcement was Open Graph, the technology that allows third party apps to integrate with Facebook.
This F8 conference will be less product-focused that the 2011 conference, according to a company spokesperson. Discussion topics will be more set on and front- and back-end technologies used by developers. Although it's been a while since the last F8, Facebook has hosted a handful of smaller developer conferences in more recent years, including a Mobile Developer Day in November and Parse Developer Day in September.
Facebook has not yet announced speakers for the event, although the last F8 included a guest appearance by actor and former Saturday Night Live star Andy Samberg, who posed as CEO Mark Zuckerberg. It's safe to assume Sukhar will present at least once, and likely Zuckerberg as well.

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সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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