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8 Tea Recommendations Based On Your Childhood Tea Set

When you were a kid, serving stuffed animals beverages in brightly colored tea cups was a fun way to spend the afternoon.
Now that you're an adult, you're still searching for the perfect tea that suits your taste while pleasing your inner child. Why not take a tip from your 5-year-old self and find a blend that compliments your perfect childhood tea party?
See also: 10 Refreshingly Exotic Teas
Having fun with your tea of choice doesn't need to be just for kids. Pour yourself a lovely cup of tea — stuffed animals are optional.
The popular plastic Playskool toy changed color when you add "tea" in the cups. Now that you're an adult, you still gravitate towards things with a little magic to offer. Try a flowering tea to recapture your childhood wonder. By adding hot water, flowering teas slowly bloom into a bouquet of beautiful flowers -- and they taste delightful.
Inviting your stuffed animals over for tea was always a harmonious affair. You cherished your little blue porcelain cups then, and you're always looking for something to compliment your delicate nature now. Enjoy a cup of Oolong tea for a balanced, nuanced flavor.
All those childhood parties were really just practice for when you were inevitably invited for tea with the Queen. Raiding your dress-up box for the most formal costume jewelry was mandatory, and you always sipped your tea pinky-up. You need a rich and aromatic tea, like Earl Grey, for a cup that is just as high-brow as you are.
These durable tin tea sets were perfect for kids who loved to dine al fresco. You're adventurous, yet you know what you like. You have simple tastes, and there's nothing better than a tea that helps you get up and go explore the world. A dark, full-bodied English Breakfast is the classic choice for you.
Disney tea sets are wildly popular among kids who love everything pink and girly. Now that you're all grown up, you're still a little princess at heart. You need a sweet and flowery tea to tickle your taste buds. There is a wide variety of teas out there that use fruit for flavor, so you can choose any combination that suits your taste.
Sturdy wooden tea sets were also great for the outdoors. Your childhood tea parties were all about exploring nature and making friends with the woodland creatures. Enjoy an earthy, refreshing green tea to connect yourself to nature again.
Plain, plastic tea sets were a "no fuss, no muss" way of having fun without all the bells and whistles. You were a low maintenance kind of kid and you're a low maintenance kind of adult, so why not drink a light, uncomplicated tea? White teas are light and subtle, and they steep quickly for an easy, straightforward beverage.
Fabric tea sets weren't very useful for holding liquids, but their plushy texture did create hours fun at your tea party. Sprinkles of cinnamon in a creamy Chai tea is the perfect drink to rekindle all your warm and fuzzy memories.

সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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