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19 Funny Earthquake Tweets From L.A.'s Sleep Deprived

Talk about a case of the Mondays: Los Angeles got an early start to the day when an earthquake rattled the city.
Seismologists estimate the earthquake was magnitude 4.4, which already dropped from 4.7 — enough to cause mild to moderate shaking. So far, there have been no reports of damage or even power outages. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured, except for Hollywood's sleep schedule.
See also: 4.4-Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Los Angeles
Twitter's witty West Coasters jumped out of bed with one-liners about the quake — and the response had a magnitude larger than the earthquake itself.
Congrats to the LA earthquake for getting signed to CAA!
That earthquake was a 16 on the Action Figures Knocked Over scale.
Obligatory earthquake joke.
You know what they say about earthquakes: he who felt it, dealt it.
My bed hasn't seen THAT much action since . . . the last earthquake. #INeedSomeJokes
I usually don't get the shakes until AFTER St. Patrick's Day.
You guys my book about how I survived the earthquake drops next week.
Enjoying an earthquake free morning.
Well, since we're all awake, what'd you guys think of GIRLS last night?
*rubs hands til little dirt-rolls form* the west-coasters are up, time to crack out the Seriously Good Tweet Drafts
....and the entire population of Los Angeles tweeted about the earthquake together like some synchronized swim team
this morning quake really put things into perspective for me. it's gonna take at least a 6.0 to get me out of bed.
Shamrock Shake!! #first
why was my initial reaction to this earthquake "holy shit it's the aliens I'm screwed"
Somebody is going to use "earthquake concern" to rekindle things with their ex.
This will make me reassess the fact that the only items in my earthquake kit are an old Dave Barry book and Cornuts
time to go through the motions of putting together an earthquake preparedness kit… again then just eating all the snacks in it…again.
CARNAGE. #LAearthquake pic.twitter.com/P367SVHKAl
It's cute how Los Angeles just tried to one-up the snow in New York with an earthquake as if anywhere but the Northeast matters.

সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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