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CBS CEO: If Aereo Wins, We'll Develop Our Own Streaming Service

CBS is positive that it will beat Aereo, one way or another.

Les Moonves, CEO of CBS, said on CNBC on Friday that the broadcaster would explore creating an Internet streaming offering if the Supreme Court does not rule in favor of broadcasters in an upcoming case with Aereo.

See also: Judgment Day: Aereo to Meet Broadcasters in Supreme Court Showdown

The move would be an admission by CBS that Aereo's offering is an appealing alternative to receiving broadcast channels through cable or a personal antenna.

"If we don't win, we have other ways of making up for it," Moonves told CNBC. "Putting our shows directly on cable, forming our own Aereo with other networks, going over the top. Lots of solutions. No fear on my part."" Moonves did not indicate whether a proposed service would be for just CBS or in concert with other broadcasters. CBS did not immediately respond to request for comment."

Aereo's streaming service allows users to receive broadcast channels over the Internet via a small antenna connected to a cloud DVR service. Broadcasters claim this system of retransmission constitutes a copyright violation. Aereo says that its offer of leasing an antenna and cloud DVR is legal and simply a way for users to gain access free-to-air channels.

A group making up some of the largest television broadcasters and media producers has pursued Aereo in a variety of courts, with the startup winning most of the cases.

The Supreme Court agreed to hear the case and both sides have filed briefs. American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. v. Aereo, Inc. will begin on April 22.

The comments from Moonves align with broader moves from the television industry, which is slowly but surely coming around to Internet streaming content.

Comcast, one of the companies that will face Aereo in court, is working on its own streaming and cloud DVR offerings. BTIG Research's Rich Greenfield notes that some of these services look surprisingly similar what Aereo currently offers.

Aereo has struck a defiant tone against some of the largest media companies in the world. The company has slowly ventured into cities across the U.S. It was popular enough in the run up to the Super Bowl that it had to temporarily stop taking new customers in New York, as every new subscriber has to have an individual antenna.

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সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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