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CBS Admits to "Audio Error" for Adding Engine Noise to Tesla Segment

CBS has admitted to an "audio error" in its 60 Minutes segment on Sunday night in which engine sounds were dubbed over a Tesla electric car.

Robert Sorokanich noticed some unnatural engine sounds during the segment and penned a blog post for Jalopnik that asserted something was amiss.

"It's one thing to dub exciting motor noises over a mundane-sounding car, but to plop engine sounds on a car that most folks realize is nearly silent? That just seems . . . bizarre," he wrote.

Teslas operate entirely on battery power and produce little noise. The segment itself went out of its way to point out that Teslas do not operate on traditional engines.

CBS told the Associated Press that the sounds had been removed to the online version. However this promo version still retained some of the engine noises as of early Tuesday afternoon.

This video from Engadget shows just how quiet a Tesla S drives.

The admission is another black mark against 60 Minutes, coming in the wake of criticism of a segment on the NSA that some found soft, and the suspension of Lara Logan for a report on the deaths of U.S. diplomats in Benghazi, which a CBS executive called "as big a mistake as there has been" in the show's history.

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Topics: Business, CBS, Media, tesla motors

সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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