Facebook has been changing the game for advertisers since its inception a decade ago. And with its new video advertising platform, there are now even more ways to reach your target audience. But how should you use the tool to generate the most successful results? To find out, I asked a panel of eight entrepreneurs from the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) what tricks they have for getting the most out of it (without alienating users). Their responses are below:
1. Stay Focused
Be clear about what you are trying to accomplish and don't kid yourself about your time-limited ability to communicate and compel. Don't take a "spray-and-pray" approach and hope that you will convince people to take action by overwhelming them. Start with a short list of what you need to accomplish. Then cut it in half and then execute off of that painfully narrowed list. If you aren't upset about how short the list is, then you probably aren't focused enough.
- Seth Talbott, Preferling
2. Watch Without Sound
Facebook's new video advertising platform will automatically play videos in a user's news feed without sound, rather than having a user click or tap to play a video. If a user does click or tap the video, Facebook plays the video in fullscreen with sound. This feature is important to note. Talking head videos won't fly very well with Facebook users. To take full advantage of this new advertising tactic, make sure the video effectively achieves your advertising objective without sound.
- Brett Farmiloe, Internet Marketing Company
3. Don't Reuse TV Ads
Rather than reuse TV advertisements for Facebook's new video ad platform, make sure to take into account that Facebook is a different platform from traditional TV. Simply reusing content is a weak strategy for success. Be sure to research how Facebook's video ads are unique from traditional video content, including the autoplay aspect and sound differences. The more you learn about Facebook's rules for its video ad platform, the better equipped you will be to create unique video ads that perform really well on this specific network.
- Doreen Bloch, Poshly Inc.
4. Share Something Great Fast
Facebook's new video platform allows videos to play instantaneously for users that are scrolling their News Feeds. Create short videos that give your audience value. Know your audience. The first seven seconds need to grab their attention. Focus on the opening of the video. If it's bad, the user will continue to browse their News Feed and the end of your video won't matter.
- Joe Apfelbaum, Ajax Union
5. Keep It Short
When making your video, focus on one singular topic, and limit it to just a few minutes. If there's more you want to cover, shoot an additional video.
- Andrew Schrage, Money Crashers Personal Finance
6. Promote Your Posts
With Promoted Posts, you can get cheap traffic as low as a penny per click. We've done it! By creating posts on your fan page and setting up a Promoted Post, you can drive a large amount of visitors to your post to then drive traffic back to your website. If you're not using Facebook Advertising, get started now!
- Chris Brisson, Call Loop
7. Specify Your Audience
Facebook offers the opportunity to contextually advertise. Make sure that the audience is well curated for the business you are pitching and don’t cast too wide a net.
- Alex Friedman, Ruckus
8. Build a Social Following
Advertising to Facebook users requires a different approach than other platforms. First, you must understand the mindset of the users. They are typically browsing Facebook to get information about their social life, friends and events. Advertisers will get better results by featuring videos that are entertaining and viral. You can get them to come to your page or website only after you've already engaged their interest. Your goal should be to build a social media following instead of trying to make a direct sale immediately after posting a video ad.
- Gideon Kimbrell, InList Inc
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