আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


H.S.C ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি

(উত্তর ভুল হওয়ার সম্ভবনা আছে,কারণ তুমাদের প্রস্তুতি কেমন হল তা একটু প্ররখ করার দরকার )

Prepositions 1

I got your letter yesterday. I am shocked to know that you don't get up early in the morning. To get up early (a)............... bed is good (b)............. our health. The atmosphere remains pure (c)............. the morning and our mind becomes fresh. we can concentrate (d)............ our work. we can get enough time and do more work. Therefore we should form the habit (e)........... early rising.

ans :to,for,in,on,of.

prepositions 2

Dear Tisha, I got your letter (a)__ last Sunday. You wanted to know about Rokeya. Rokeya is a girl working (b)__ poor people who live (c)__ the slums. She was provided training (d)__ removing poverty. She has recently got an award (e)__ the United Nation and become renowned all over the country.

ans n,for,in,with,(janina)

Narration :

"have you finished the nobel you took from me yesterday?" my sister said to me. "No" said I."i have done almost half of it." "Hurry up,please. I have to return it within a week." said she.

ans : my sister asked me if i had finished the nobel that i had taken from her the previous day.i replied in the negative and said that i had done almost half of it.my sister requested to read in a hurry and exclaimed that she had to return it within a week.

narration 2:

ans: The writer asked Jerry if he had seen his mother. Jerry replied that he saw her every summer and added that she sent f0r him. The writer wanted to cry out. The writer again asked why he (J) was n0t with her and h0w she could let him g0 away again. Jerry again replied that she came up there from Mannville whenever she could. He also told her (writer) that she (mother) did n0t have a j0b then.

Verb 1 : use,give,be,make,know,refuse,manage

The great defect of our civilization (a)...... that it (b)......... what to do with its knowledge. Science (c)....... us enormous power to do things we need. But in most of the cases are can't use the knowledge properly .We can't (d)....... the machines. We don't know how to use machines. which (e)....... to serve our purposes.

ans :is,is not known, has given, manage, refuses
verb 2: Television has (a)__the important source of entertainment. Almost every middle class family (b)__ TV set. Television (c)__ a source of recreation for all. Satellite channels have (d)__ new dimension. The varied programmes (e)__ by all.

ans: become, has,is,added,

Tag question :

question: (a) They must not go out now,__? (b) He earned a lot of money last year,__? (c) He had a terrible appearance,__? (d)Let's make friends with them,__? (e) Bring me a cup of tea,__?

ans : (a)must they ? (b)didn't he? (c)hadn't he? (d)shan't we? (e)will you ?

Phrases :

A~set=Give up,go through,of and on,out and out,in line with. B~set=over and over,green horns,lion share,on the sly.

Complete Sentence :

1.Run fast lest...,. 2.I can not help..., 3.the boy is too weak.... 4.the train left the station after.... 5.the time that has gone,....

ans : 1.yo should miss the train. 2.doing this. 3.to walk 4.we had arrived. 5.never come back.

Transformation :

(a) Cricket is very exciting game (Exclamatory/Complex).
(b) People of all ages enjoy this game (Passive).
(c) At present cricket is the most popular game in our country(Positive)
(d) Though it is costly game young men and children get a great deal of delight playing it(compound).
(e)Bangladesh is one of the weakest test playing countries(compound.)

ans :

1.How exciting game cricket is!
2.The game is enjoyed by people of all ages.
3.at present, no other game is so popular as cricket in our country.
4.it is a costly game but young men and children get a great deal of it.
5.Bangladesh is a test playing country but it is one of the weakest one. 47 minutes ago

সোর্স: http://prothom-aloblog.com

অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।