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YouTube Stars Grace Helbig & Co. Planning 'Camp Takota' Followup

YouTube stars Grace Helbig, Mamrie Hart and Hannah Hart are working on a follow-up to their feature film Camp Takota with producer Michael Goldfine, they revealed Wednesday at the National Association of Broadcasters Show in Las Vegas.

Exactly what that is — a sequel? Another film? A different thing altogether? — remains to be seen.

SEE ALSO: When YouTube Stars Make a Movie, Superfan Marketing Is Baked In

During a panel about their project at the Las Vegas Convention Center (see photo, below), Helbig was asked whether the crew that put the successful camp film together — the project has made a profit largely with support from their huge online fandom — would ever work together again. Helbig squirmed and threw the question to Goldfine, who admitted a follow-up was coming.

"We are working on something," Goldfine said.

Helbig and Hart joked that they'd have to lock down the room to talk about it — but by then, the cat was out of the bag. A little bit out, anyway.

"You don't talk about the baby until the second trimester," Mamrie Hart said (Hannah Hart was not in attendance).

The trio spent the bulk of the panel talking about how the unusual project came together, what it was like transitioning from making YouTube videos to feature film — and of course, how much fun they had doing it.

"It all sort of made sense to me. I wasn't interested in making a YouTube movie, I was interested in making something really good," Goldfine said. "And when I saw the three of them I knew, it's not just their 'celebrity' ... it's their intelligence their experience. And they're scrappy. They want to figure out a way to make this work and be successful. They're crafty and they think of way to do things to get the movie out there."

Hart said they met with a single idea in common: to make a feature film about summer camp. The rest fell into place as they began to realize that they had similar creative sensibilities.

"Michael took a real risk with working with us," Hart said. "As a YouTube personality, it's hard to convince somebody that you have that background. Michael invested in that, and that's really hard to convince someone to do."

Although they were essentially learning the craft of moviemaking along the way, they saw their YouTube experience as an asset.

"The fact that we made a movie from concept to meeting to finished production in just a year ... it's kind of like, we make a video, we put it up the next day," Hart said.

Not that she was trying to make it sound easy: Helbig said she maintained her YouTube channel throughout the process, turning it into a mini-documentary about the movie and its crew. That was just part of a massive fan-engagement effort that helped fund the film, not through Kickstarter or traditional crowdfunding, but with merchandise sales and other pre-release revenue that basically put them in the black before the movie was even released.

"It was very different," Helbig said. "I was maintaining a five-day-a-week YouTube schedule at the same time, editing at night and showing back up on the set at five or six in the morning. There were a few panic attacks and breakdowns that happened."

The good news: Unlike DIY YouTube videos, moviemaking involves a whole lot of supporting cast.

"The really great thing about YouTube videos, you shot and edit and post ... but with the movie it was like 'Oh you're gonna focus on my face? And you're gonna edit this? Oh, this is great!"

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BONUS: #5facts You Didn't Know About YouTube (w/ Grace Helbig!)

সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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