“Monar Aynai Jay Na Maja?” 'নিষ্ঠুর বন্ধু'. Nistur Bandhu Bangla song Nistur Bandhu ('নিষ্ঠুর বন্ধু') ‘Bangla Music Attempts to Give ‘Instruction’ to the way of Biblical messages of L.o.v.e? ‘Monar Aynai Jay Na Maja’ “What is the Meaning of Life?” Offers a Biblical Lord message in voice that guides Listeners in their life search for the purpose of existence in this world of music in their spare times in life? Bilingual’s Author Abdul Haye Amin brings into multicultural environment the inspiration of music in language ‘Bangla’ to every one deaf ears those who forgotten not only in history but the almighty Kingdom and ‘Historia De Amor’ another name in history, in European country, Portugal Missionary, Manoel Da Assumpcam’ therefore Nistur Bandhu attempts to bring live ‘voice’ into music in realities. most often medical Board describe patients suffer as known ‘Glue ears’ unable to Judge them self rights and wrong as medical professional claim patients suffer under the critical symptom of ‘Schizophrenia’ the author was left alone in the hospital age of modern technology with digital computer to decide the symptoms the reason behind why most patient suffer in our life to answer to an age of ignorance in religion Christianities and Islam. When most patients never heard of name of ‘GOD’ or Churches but often claim heard of ‘ Her Britannic Majesty’s’ glory of see-through, mini-skirts revelation in music. After many years since 2005 the first ‘Nistur Bandhu’ Bangla Song’s released in Sylhet District, by Box Electronic, Singer Boual Churot Ali. The songwriter, Abdul Haye Amin. Thank you very much to all of our fans of ‘Nistur Bandhu’, new and old for supporting ‘Nistur Bandhu’ breathless music in Bangla almost stolen every one lonely hearts beyond imaginations we ‘Nistur Bandhu’ promise this time never going to be second time around ever going to be stolen any one belonging soul, mind and hearts. it is understood, crime against humanity, ‘I L.O.V.E. U?’ often failure in any Bilingual’s language in music, our only desire of hope to entertain music in Bangla in pleasure to please those who lost their way far from reaching loved one! How to say ‘I L.O.V. E--U?’ in language Bangla through the music And therefore Nistur Bandhu believes committed no crime of offences those who suffering ‘Glue ears’ symptoms through their ears ‘Your honour’ for? By listen to the Word of not almighty God but ‘Nistur Bandhu’ music in Bangla various songs Romantic, love, religious, culture, environmental way of life, as much as often as possible. Individual’s Faith will eventually explore those who lost beyond calculation or any measure in culture our trust comes from by hearing music in as Sea waves of sound reach through our ears, and hearing the words by the singers often will reflect and remained Holy Bible verses" “Monar Aynai Jay Na Maja?” (Romans 10:17: Al-Bakaraho: 2—6 & 30). Individual Constant mood and attention always seek into ocean of commitment of sins beyond any boundaries of knowledge other than to the Word of almighty God produces and begin to build our lost faith and trust in almighty Lord. Especially if we fail to attend local Churches or Mosque only Friday national neither Jumma nor Sunday afternoon going to the Church will ever conquer our heart, soul and mind? Nistur Bandhu committed to encourages listeners constantly keeping the Word of song’s in our minds and hearts and to keep our attention far a way from politics’ but on unknown almighty Lord those who bear never face in life to hear the name of Churches of God due to our Government attitudes toward “He-Sa-Ru-Hu-Lul-La-He” (R.A), -Jesus Christ our Lord message our only passion of hope listeners will search through the gates of Churches of Holy Bible after hearing the song’s other than any novel prize winner candidates, the song’s also represents the individual’s Health is one of the benefits as promised not only by Medical Sciences as mentioned previously. As follows: (Proverbs 4:20-22). Monar Aynai Jayna Ma Ja “20 My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. 21 Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, 22 for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body”. The British Occupational Therapists for ‘Music and (BSMT), sound therapy’ use most music’s and or song’s the sound therapy to cure the disorder of victim of schizophrenia a disease which make most mental health illness patients acting as a deaf often unable to “hear" or tell the different between real and unreal in real life experiences, however, sounds of music bring memory back into reality says Nistur Bandhu’s. In medical Science Language, Clinical Psychiatry as an auditory hallucination under the symptoms, of conditions such as “Schizophrenic” disorders, bipolar disorders, (manic depression), and psychosis, those who suffering. Under the conditions “Voices” The voice hearers have given as a Gifts "Nistur Bandhu" medically known, “Extra, (ESP), Sensory Perception” The ‘Miracle of Lord, Jesus Christ, (R.A), Father, (Allah), Name in scripture written in the E.E.C. Non-Islamic, Muslims, Country, Bon, City, Germany, Forest. And inside ‘LUNG’ and ‘Ears’ of human being body. The Government of Allah.By ignoring “Monar Aynai Jay Na Maja?” –‘Nistur Bandhu’ the word of almighty God message we often end into invitation to deception to truth and believes in life in lies to gain fake imoral values in society, the Illegitimate Governments Ministers share the European country pieces of Sainsbury, hand made Madeira cakes plus 17.5% V.A.T. from members of innocent’s public’s unfortunately, which has no value in real life’s wash away as free bath and showers seen ‘Tsunami 2004’ disaster nothing but at the end confession of guilt we often face in our own real life conquered our own home and eyes and ears by unknown ‘Visual hallucination’ sounds of forces no one can blame other than any Government That when is to late! But believe message of truth the almighty Lord from beyond our hearts, ‘Nistur Bandhu’ another name in not politics’ but in music in foreign Bilingual’s love. After all praise your own self and life nothing but prostrates in worship the Lord your God. Nistur Bandhu can’t wait to hear what y’all think of let other know your tastes in Bangla ‘Nistur Bandhu’ music spread the message of not ‘Nistur Bandhu’ as E. Coli symptoms heart of specially European five year M.O.T. holder the Ministers ears in the name of first European ‘Missionary, Manoel Da Assumpcam’ from Portugal, to write first in language Bangla in 1734. today Nistur Bandhu proud of after three century Portugal Hero who believed to be blood related my Brother in language ‘Bangla’ and by ‘Virtue of Act’ my ‘Portugal’ beloved Country after ‘Bangladesh’ Portugal is the ‘Sign’ without “Monar Aynai Jay Na Maja?” regrets and sympathise administration for. The natural wild birds with Love?Who conquered through out and around the European country, as European Ministers says not ‘Nistur Bandhu’- Bangla Song’s’ but virus ‘E. Coli’ symptoms never seen or heard in his or her life! Nistur Bandhu trusts every European Ministers in their own dinner plates will tastes main dish as ‘Chicken Tikka Massala’ if it not “Monar Aynai Jay Na Maja?” The melody romantic love song’s and sound music in Bangla, after “Allahu Akbar”. Unless otherwise stated. Members of the Bilingual’s, muilti-cultural media Press who wish to review and or to Translates in different Bilingual’s Language this Bangla Song’s ‘Nistur Bandhu’ By Abdul Haye Amin may be ordered through by contacting [], or the publisher or to purchase copies of the Bangla Cassette or ‘CD’ for resale worldwide, please Contact above mention Industries, in writing. UN-authorized duplicates or copy without written permission will be subject to States Law of domiciles, act. For more information, log on to: Publication of News ‘Nistur Bandhu’ in Bangla (World Wide) & in the U.K: Click This Link Face Book: Click This Link UK Bangla Songwriters: http://abdulhaye300503.wordpress.com/ --Nistur Bandhu Team.
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