I can't take credit for this giving story but as it was sent to me in an email. The impact it had made me want to share it with you. This is a good story; a true story. I am a mother of three, ages 14, 12, 3. I recently completed my college degree. The last class I had to take was...
আজ বড় অস্থির সময় - তোর চোখে অস্থিরতা নাই; চোখে তোর খেলা করে রাজ্যের বিস্ময় .। I am back with a little story. Ammar ibn Yasir (RA) was among the first few muslims who accepted Prophet Muhammad (sa) call of Submission to one and only God (ISLAM). At that time the environment for new...
Separation from the Diary Reverend’s journal: A week before execution Why do we belong to this world? There might be a lot of options to answer the question. Optimists would say we come to this world to make the world a better...
One day, a poor boy Howard Kelly was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry. He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. ...
i am very good boy 22 th july ,1999 . i was a student . i am waiting for bus .then i saw a accident that i will never forget
once upon a time a bird fall in love with a white rose.. 1 day he proposed herbut she refused.. she said i dont love u..but bird daily came and proposed her..then white rose said when i will turn into red colour then i will love u..1 day bird came and cut his wingsand spread his blood...
"I may disagree of what you say, but I will defend to the death - your right to say it." – Voltaire it was not a night of the moon and the stars nor a day when the sun shines... when the first of the human sent by the sea and the second send to the mines.. male was the first...
A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and a four-year old grandson. The old man's hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered. The family ate together nightly at the dinner table. But the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and failing...
I'm simple A very touchy story, Just read>> A dog and a mosquito loved each other very much................... One day mosquito kissed dog...... The dog got emotional and kissed mosquito ...................... and next day guess what happened...........? Dog died of...
অভাগা যেদিকে চায়...! This is a collection. Please read till the end. Translated from Chinese and obtained from friends. This is a powerful message for our modern society when we seemed to have lost our bearing & our sense of direction. **Story of Appreciation** One young...
একটা ছেলে একটা মেয়ে কে খুব ভালবাসতো।ছেলেটি ক্যান্সারে আক্রান্ত ছিল,তার হাতে মাত্র একমাস ছিল ।মেয়েটি একটি CD shop এ job করত।ছেলেটি রোজ সেই দোকানে যেত মেয়েটিকে দেখতে,কিণ্তু কিছু বলতে পারত না।রোজ সে একটি করে CD কিনে আনত,কিণ্তু কখনও প্যাকেট খুলে দেখত না।এই ভাবে এক মাস চলে কেটে গেল। এক...
তোমাকে ছাড়া বাঁচবো না চরম মিথ্যা কথা বরং জেনে রেখো তোমার সাথে আজীবন বাঁচতে রাজি আমি A certain rich businessperson had a beautiful daughter, who fell in love with a guy who was a cleaner. When the girl's father came to know about their love, he did not like it at all, and so began to...
He met her on a party. She was so outstanding, many guys chasing after her, while he so normal, nobody paid attention to him. At the end of the party, he invited her to have coffee with him, she was surprised, but due to being polite, she promised. They sat in a nice coffee shop, he...
আমার কিছু বলার ছিল তামিম। একজন শান্তশিষ্ট ছেলের নাম। বাড়ি-কলেজ-প্রাইভেট। এই তিন তার ঠিকানা। কখনও কারো সাথে কোন ঝগড়া-বিবাদ করে না। মাটির দিকে তাকিয়ে যায়, মাটির দিকে তাকিয়ে ফেরত আসে। একজন বিশুদ্ধ ভাল ছেলে বলতে যা বুঝায়। তার বাড়ি হতে কলেজ দূর হওয়ায় নসিমন-করিমনে করে যাতায়াত করে। এলাকায় তার...
প্রীয় মৃত্তিকা প্রিয়তম স্বদেশ Kid- Mom I love u more thn u love me Mom: how can u prove dix my son? Kid: Coz u've 2 sons n i've only one mother