আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


Victory hasn’t confirmed yet

After a long transitional period, the people of Egypt finally got their freedom physically but not yet confirm spiritually. Already, some countries representatives met with Freedom and Justice Party’s leaders. Formal US President Jimmy Carter met with Dr. Mohamed Badie, Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). Jimmy Carter formal US President told him that, he recognized Egyptians love for Muslim Brotherhood; he congratulated Muslim Brotherhood for victory over formal dictator. With regard to the Palestinian issue, Carter stressed that the Israeli side did not honour the rights of the Palestinian people enshrined in the peace treaties, as evidenced by its continued settlement activities and the seizure of Palestinian land. He added that he, personally, when he was president of the United States, as well as Bush senior, made real efforts to stop the settlements, but were not successful, and that Bush junior and President Obama allowed the Israelis to increase their settlement efforts. Egypt newly elects government had been also received delegations from Italy, Chine, India, Pakistan and some others notable countries’. Now take a look over the Muslim Brotherhood today and yesterday’s history: Muslim Brotherhood’s believe is very clear. Members of this organization want to establish Qura’nic rules in the world. They want to instill the Quran and Sunnah in constitution of every country. The MB’s English website according to the Wikipedia, MB’s credo was, is and will Allah is our object, the Quran is our constitution, Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) is our leader, Jihad is our way and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations. This website also describes that, The Sharia law will be sources to controlling the state affairs and society. And then they will be working for unify the whole Islamic countries and states and liberating them from foreign imperialism. MB is the oldest Islamic political organization in the world. Muslim Brotherhood is one of the most rapidly growth organization in the world, it has a vast network in the entire world. It founded in 1928 in Egypt, its founder was Hasan-Al-Banna who was a scholar and schoolteacher. Hasan-Al-Banna was influenced by the Islamic reformers Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Rida. He wanted to establish Islamic rules in the whole world and set in Caliphate. When Muslim Brotherhood (MB) was founded it had only six members but only one decade later it had reached two millions members. The Brotherhood grew rapidly going from 800 members in 1936, to 200,000 by 1938, 500,000 in 1948. Now it has enormous activists in the world. Muslim Brotherhood banned several times, first they banned in November 1948 following several bombings and assassinations attempts. The government arrested 32 activists of Muslim Brotherhood accusing this incident. In 1952 members of the Muslim Brotherhood are accused of taking part in the Cairo Fire that destroyed some "750 buildings" in downtown Cairo — mainly night clubs, theatres, hotels, and restaurants frequented by British and other foreigners. In 1952 Egypt's monarchy was overthrown by nationalist military officers supported by the Brotherhood. However the Brotherhood opposed the secularist constitution of the coup leaders and in 1954 some historians claim that they attempted an assassination against Egypt's President (Gamal Abdel Nasser), and blamed on the "secret apparatus" of the Brotherhood (this attempt was unsuccessful). The Brotherhood was again banned and this time thousands of its members were imprisoned, many of them held for years in prisons and concentration camps, and tortured. Muslim brotherhood later again banned several times. In 2005 parliamentary election MB were participated independently because they were illegal. In 2005 parliamentary election they won 88 seats in Parliament, however main opposition won only 14 seats. Meantime of the election Mubarak’s police arrested enormous activists of MB to ensure that MB wouldn’t work properly to gain their target. In earlier 2011, MB influenced people of the Egypt to arise against corrupt and tyranny government. On 25 February the people of Egypt toppled Mubarak from the regime. MB played leading role about this issue. Muslim Brotherhood is an international organization based of Egypt. They have various political organizations in various countries. Hamas in Palestine, Al-Menbar Islamic society in Bahrain, Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, the Islamic Action Front in Jordan, the Iraqi Islamic Party in Iraq, Hadas in Kuwait, Islah in Yemen, they are also in others notable countries like Sudan, Algeria, Oman, Somalia, Tunisia, Russian federation, USA, UK. However, contextual many countries are banned Muslim Brotherhood many times and somewhere ban is still exists. Muslim Brotherhood played vital rule in some countries against foreign colonialism as well as tyrannical government. In 1945 MB were established in Syria, but after taking power Syrian present ruling party Baath party in 1963 they banned MB, despite MB’s parliamentary election victory in 1961. In Bahrain the Muslim Brotherhood got 8 seats out of 40 seats in Parliament in 2002’s election. The Iraqi Islamic party was founded in 1960, which is Iraqi branch of MB. But during Abd Al-Karim Qasim’s regime this organization was banned. After fell of Saddam Hussain in 2003, IIP became visible. Tariq Al-Hashimi who is leader of this Iraqi branch, he is now Iraqi Vice-President. However, MB have very strong stands in the world despite fear doesn’t go by. Newly elected President of Egypt Dr. Mohammad Morsi was studying in US and received PhD from University of Southern California in 1982. After receiving PhD he started teaching in the same university in 1982 to 1985. In 1985 after three years job, he returned from US to Cairo. This is yet unclear that, how the new Egypt government will be disposition. Many critics think MB’s leader will be walked on MB’s fundamental way, but many thoughts they will walk on moderate’s way. If Egypt disposition the government on based of fundamental Islam then their friendship with Iran will be strongest. And this you will be nightmares for Israel. But many unfaithful sources reporting that, Egypt new government rejects greeting from Iran because of their unexpected stand about Assad matter.

অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।