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14 Podcasts to Help You Forget About Your Crummy Commute

Podcasts are the gifts that keep on giving. Over the past few years, the entertainment medium has grown from a niche format to a popularly used platform, giving people easy access to excellent audio shows such as Ira Glass' This American Life.
Comedians, scientists and human interest enthusiasts have all given their own take on the episodic series format — and they're perfect to help pass the time on you daily commute.
See also: Discovery Problem: Why It's So Hard to Find New Podcasts
Rather than listening to the radio or music, give podcasts a chance. Here are 14 that run the gamut, from Paul Scheer's film-centric 'cast, to Marc Maron's hilarious comedy underworld.
If you don't mind foul language and brash opinions, The Read is for you. Hosted by bloggers Crissle and Kid Fury, it's a weekly show in which the pair shares their unfiltered opinions on celebrity news and offer advice to listeners. Then they deliver their Read, a segment in which they go off on someone or something that has irritated them in the past week.

Image: Flickr, Chris Glass

Actor, comedian and TV host (currently fronting @midnight on Comedy Central) Chris Hardwick is constantly working, but still finds time to upload a weekly podcast with an amazing guest. Usually accompanied by fellow Nerdist comedians Jonah Ray and Matt Mira, Hardwick interviews legends such as Tom Hanks, Larry King and Joan Rivers. Pop culture aficionados will also appreciate his wildly obscure references.
The creators of this podcast want to bring you back to the radio days of yore. Writers Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor spin a bimonthly podcast tale that recounts the eerie occurrences of a fictional desert town called Night Vale.

Image: Flickr, Sarah Elliot

Astrophysicist and science TV personality Neil deGrasse Tyson is on a quest to make people care about space. Celebrity guests often join the scientist, helping him break down brainy topics such as string theory.
Cracked obsessively merges comedy with knowledge. Editor-in-chief Jack O'Brien and cohost Michael Swaim happily riff on a number of thematic fun facts, so you can laugh and learn something.
This one's for the aspiring and self-proclaimed film buffs. Hosts Adam Kempenaar and Josh Larsen are honest, eloquent film critics who have in-depth conversations about movies and actors you love and hate. It feels like taking a free college course (which is about right, since Kempenaar has taught multiple courses at the University of Chicago).

Image: Flickr, Rebecca O'Malley

Let's hear it for comedy's favorite cult treasure, the inimitable Marc Maron. Peruse any list that proclaims "best podcasts of all time!" and Maron is sure to be near the top. If alt-comedy and lengthy interviews with people like Louis C.K. are your bag, this podcast is tailor-made for you.
That's right, the bad boy author behind American Psycho and Less Than Zero is in the podcast game. Ellis kicked off his inaugural episode last November with controversy magnate Kanye West. Ellis is obsessed with all things art and has since courted the likes of Marilyn Manson, Chuck Klosterman and Judd Apatow.
Created by Roman Mars, the show covers design, architecture and the "99% invisible activity that shapes our world," according to the website. Mars delves deeply into fascinating topics such as the history of the magazine cover and revolving doors, making you feel smarter about niche topics.

Image: Flickr, ALA The American Library Association

Author and comedic personality Julie Klausner is your friend who doesn't mind talking about anything. The series kicks off with a sort of stream-of-consciousness-style monologue from the comedienne, which then delves into an interview with her guest of the day.
On top of being a touring comedian and having a YouTube show, Doug Benson also has a podcast. The cinematically-themed show has been going strong since 2006, and stars Benson talking about movies with a slew of famous guests, including Amy Poehler and Zach Galifianakis in the past.
Like the name suggests, Nerdette is a safe space dedicated to nerding out about everything "you're watching, reading, listening to and encountering," according to the website. Hosts Greta Johnsen and Tricia Bobeda are NPR-grade professionals, with an encyclopedic knowledge of pop culture.

Image: Flickr, Streamy Awards

Have you ever watched a movie so terrible, you couldn't believe it actually existed? That's Paul Scheer's sweet spot. Joined by fellow comedians June Diane Raphael and Jason Mantzoukas (and occasional guest stars such as Patton Oswalt and Nick Kroll), the comedic trio riffs on unbearably bad films such as Sharknado and The Last Airbender.
"Simple yet highly addictive" is one way to describe Risk! People share detailed, unbelievably true stories about their lives. Listeners are encouraged to submit their stories, and famous names such as Janeane Garofalo and Sarah Silverman have dropped by to reveal their own secret anecdotes. It's heartwarming voyeurism at its finest.
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সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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