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Change in Pakistan: To all media reps

Assalamu alaykum warahmatallahi wabarakatuh and respect to all media journalists and personalities. Allah has sent you such a great reward. This is your time to get such hasanat from Allah like you could never believe. So take this opportunity and do not miss it out for when Allah asks you on the day of judgment why didn’t do what you did, or you made negative press about this event, khilafah and those brothers and sisters who are sincerely working for it, how will you answer? Do not let your answer be “Well it would have been negative towards our government in power then.” But what government is this? It is implementing a kufr ideology on you. Did you know that if the Pakistani government decided to implement Islam like that of the Khulafah Rashidun (Abu Bakr, Umar ibn AlKhattab, Uthman ibn Affan and Ali ibn Abi Talib) that you would have such a massive sin removed from your necks? Did you even know there was the mother of all sins lying on your necks right now at all? This is is: Imam Muslim reports on the authority of Nafi’ that the Messenger of Allah said: “‘The one who removes his hand from obedience he will meet Allah without a proof for himself’ and whosoever dies without a bay’ah (pledge of allegiance) on his neck dies the death of jahiliyyah.” This means the person dies as if Islam never reached him. Do you wish for this to be the state that you die in? Only Allah (swt) knows the unseen, so we cannot say to ourselves “i understand but I cannot do this right now, there is time before i die”. This is Shaiton’s waaswaas (whisperings) trying to make us go off the straight path. The only way to remove this understanding is to support the objective of Khilafah and work for it is you have the capability. I am sure as media persons you are well aware of the injustices going on in Pakistan and wish for there to be a better environment for you and your families. Allah’s Messenger has prophesised that we will have first Khulafah Rashida, then Kings, then Tyrant rulers (and this is where we are now). “Verily the knots of Islam will be undone and there shall be misguided rulers.” [ Authenticated by Al-Hakim in his Mustadrak] So we must not be shocked and surprised at our state. We know Allah’s Messenger has left us with everything to help us on our way to eeman. So we can change ourselves to the state that we want to be in. The knots must be re-tied. As it says: Allah swt promises in Surah an Nur (Wa’adAllah) regarding those who believe and do righteous deeds that “layastakhlifannahum fil Ardhi kamastakhlafalladhina min qablihim” – He will (swt) give them authority in the land as he gave it to those before them. FOR THEIR DEEN which he (swt) has chosen for them – “Deenahumulladhirtadha lahum”. And finally that he will change their state from the fear in which they lived to peace and security – “Wa layubadinannahum min ba’adi khawfihim amna”. Allah’s Messenger has said that there will be “some of you will say one word, and he doesn’t even realise it, and this will raise them up in levels in jannah, and some of you will say a word, he doesn’t even realize it, but that ONE WORD will send him 70 years in the depths of the fire. “ Our Imam (Khaleefah) is our shield and this is what will stop the Muslims from being humiliated. It will stop our Prophet’s from being humiliated. It will stop the humiliation of our women, like sister Afia Siddiqui who has been tortuted and rapped to break her will and now she has received a prison term for something she did not do. Stop the government from making you and your friends and all of Pakistan a slave to the Western powers of America, or Britain. Did Pakistan not fight for her freedom from her colonialist masters last century? Did she not struggle and sacrifice lives to be free of imperial rule? Why then does she now still bow down to America? No matter who is in power in America the foreign policy will always be the same. Do not think just because Obama is there, a black man with possible ancesetral ties to Muslims, that he is your friend and the friend of the whole Muslim Ummah. If he was your friend then why does he continue to shake hands with the yahoudis of Israel who daily rape, torture, and massacre your brothers and sisters in Israel (and they wish to take even parts of Egypt and Syria for ‘Great Israel’ one day). It is time to stand up, and make a difference. Allah has blessed you with a great opportunity to say one word to raise you up in levels in Jannah. If you stay quiet, this may be the one word you did not say that could see you in jahannam for 70 years. And RasulAllah has told us that one year in jahannam is like 10,000 years in time. So imagine 70,000 years of torture in jahannam for one word you did not say. So say a thousand words if you can. Give media coverage of this exciting declaration to those in power. The media is a powerful tool. If everyone gets together to show event in a positive light and bombard the government of Pakistan witha questioning tone or how they will answer and that they should really accept this delcaration and implement sharia, imagine, imagine the mass change that would occur? You would be like those who did mass demonstrations in the West against the War on Vietnam. Do you not want to go down in history as being a part of this mass movement? Do you not want to be part of the ones who made change and reliquished Pakistan from her imperial masters, America, Britain, and all other kafir nations that seek to make Muslims and Pakistan subserviant to them? If you truely and honestly say in your heart and with your tongue “la ilaha illallah Muhammad RasulAllah” then you must complete that with your actions. It is agreed upon by the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah that eeman is of 3 things, feeling it in your heart, saying it with your tongue and doing it with your actions. At the moment you only have 2, but if you use this opportunity well then you will be applying the third and have true eeman. So complete the other part of your shahadah (declaration of faith) by making the right decision and the right action now. We do not know when our ajal (lifespan) will come to an end. We know that Rasul Allah has told us no ajal ends without Allah giving us all our rizq. We know the body of this world is just a vessel for us to do good deeds and to abstain from the bad ones. So whatever happens to it is insignificant. Therefore, ignoring this email and what it calls for and the call that everyone else if asking you to hear because you want to satisfy the body, you want to cling to the dunia, think, think about death, go to a graveyard and stand there and ask yourself “what did they take with them when they died? How will they be ressurected, with what will they be ressurected with on the Day when there is no Shade but Allah’s Shade?” How will you manage to walk over the Sirat if you stay quiet when the answer is, all you take with you are your good deeds and nothing else. Allah’s Messenger has told us to have competition for things relating to the akhirah and to live competition in the dunia for that is detestable. If you are clinging to links of ‘nationhood’ and ‘nationalism’ and a ‘pakistani identity’ and you don’t want Khilafah because the identity of the Khilafah is Islam and not pakistani, or bangladeshi, or indian, or arab, or afriacan, then know that Nationalism is a disease used to corrupt you by your imperialist masters. We bow down to no one but Allah, and Allah has said about Nationalism: Q.23:52: “And verily this Ummah of yours IS A SINGLE UMMAH and I am your Lord and Cherisher: Therefore Fear Me (and no other).” And Allah’s Messenger has said: ” …People should give up their pride in nations because this is a coal from the coals of hell-fire. If they do not give this up Allah (swt) will consider them lower than a lowly worm which pushes itself through khur (feces).” [abu Dawd and Tirmidhi]. Now you have been told, so when you meet Allah on the Day of Yawmu Qiyamma you cannot say you did not know. You will not be ignorant and will be held accountable. This change is coming. Make sure you are on the right side of the change and do no kept left behind. Be part of the change so you can gain the hassanat now while it is still here, don’t miss it out, because come the 10th of May you may be living in Khilafah. And if so, then you know your familes, wives, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, daughters and sons are now free, they will no longer be defiled, your Prophet will no longer be humiliated, your sisters no longer have their honor taken away from them, and surely Allah will smile at you and make the walking of the sirat easy for you, amin. Assalamu alaykum warahmatallahi wabarakatuh.

অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।