“numquam adeo foedis adeoque pudendis
Utimur exemplis, ut non pejora supers int.” Juvenal, viii. 183
[The example we produce, are not so shameful and foul but that far worse remain behind.]
And they came to game by the fames of the names they blame and to try to tame by shame of lame blames that too came with them to frame the blames to tame in the name of the past names that never tamed or framed anything but their lust and did cast the fast thrust to free the souls and goals that roll and roll forever here and there and everywhere to and fro as they grow in all the kinds of minds high and low to and fro in and out all about the goals and souls that roll and roll through the roles and goals that role and toll on names of fames found to be bound in the frames of the blame-games that came with them, then they came to game by the names of the fames that tried to flame by shame of lame blames that too came with them to flame the blames to blame and tame in the name of the past names that never tamed or framed anything but their lusts and did cast the fastest thrusts to free the souls and goals that roll and roll forever here and there and everywhere.
Shall they feel the way they deal with others who never curse in the name they try to put the frame to tame the minds of humankind not to find but to feel in the zeal and
“Segrati celant calles, et myrtea circum
Sylva legit; curae non ipsa in morte relinquunt;” Ænid, vi., 443
[Secret paths hide them, and myrtle groves environ them; their care do not leave them even when they die.]
Lake that shakes and makes its way on the way not to Rome, but roams in houses that could not leap and remain dipped deep in shades of the hungry blades of hunger-storms that break the forms-norms and shapes of body and mind and leave behind the ‘grapes of wraths’ in the name of paths that have no rays of days nor any star-light. Wraths’ grapes shape delight, but in pains, and enchains the grains and gains with the chains of the sightless mights’ rites of feasts of the fists, not the least in the east in the north river-mouths and so forth in the south in the forest of west and the hills nor appeals could stop them or ashame to run with the blame-games of unseen names, the more they claim the more the flame of the fiery bird that is well heard in south-north and so forth in the east and west the bird that guard the herd of humankind totem in the same name and bears the light to light up the dark sights of the dark-sides of the darkest nights and writes the rights of rites and of the rites of rights that glows up in the deeps and dips into the deep sublime-seas with thematic ships and schematic skills and tills that what is grown in mind-fields and sown in the mine-fields, and builds the guilds to undo war near and far, in the mind-mine-fields.
Mind, O! mine, the game of Nine that line up the fine of the finest chimes that’s found to be bound by the frame of rules of game that may shake but could not tame down nor could drown in the lake that shakes and takes its way through the monads of bonds to bind the minds of humane kinds and paves the way for braves not to sway between the zingles of right-less rights, nor delights to see the sightless lights of darkest nights, but lights the rights and mights of rights of the brightest sights to write up the fights of lights with nights through the dark-sight of the dark-sides of the darkest nights and bright up the sight to see the way that never sway to chose the rightmost of the wrongs and rights.
Lake that makes and takes its way through the lakes that shake but never break nor sway the lake that’s wavy but never bends the sake and makes its trends of a lake that lends the ends of life for millions friends of the sublime chimes – lake that makes the shakes to open up the doors of time with timely waves that caves the braves of time through the doors of mores of force and force of mores of sights and lights of sublime of the lake that forms the norms and reforms the forms and norms with the timely chime of a time of chime of the lake that shakes all the forms and makes its norms of forms-reforms and norms with the rhyme for timely times and rhymes and chimes that is grown by its own source-resource of re-sourcing source that cores the mores and doors of the Four of force through the way that may long along all along the way so long bring the song that all may sing or all do sing or all do sing in their own-grown way as they may, like the shiny ray of the tiny wheel that feels and fills its shiny reels to deal with the drills of thrills and to deal the heals as it may on its way all along the way its ray may bring and sing through the time in sublime one of the chimes of life’s mundane-song ——
bwÌ ivMm‡gv Aw¹ bwÌ †`vmm‡gv M‡nv, bwÌ †gvnmgs Rvjs bwÌ ZY&nvmgv b`x||
‡mv K‡ivwn `xcgˇbv wLàs evqg cwÛ‡Zv fe& ,
Abyc~‡eŸb †gavex ‡_vK‡_vKs L‡Y L‡Y, K¤§v‡iv iRZm&‡me wbׇg gjgˇYv||
‡mv K‡ivwn `xcgˇbv wLàs evqg cwÛ‡Zv fe& ||
a¤§c`-251, 236, 239, 238
[Avmw³i gZ Av¸b †bB, †Ø‡li gZ MÖn (MÖvmKvix) †bB, †gv‡ni gZ Rvj †bB, Ges Z…òvi mgvb b`x †bB|
myZivs wb‡Ri wbivc` wbevm ˆZix K‡iv, wcÖZi D`¨gx n‡q cvwÛZ¨ AR©b K‡iv|
Kg©Kvi †hgb iR‡Zi gj `~i K‡i, †miƒc cÖvÁ e¨w³MY GK GK K‡i ax‡i ax‡i wb‡Ri Kj~l `~i K‡ib|
myZivs wb‡Ri wbivc` wbevm ˆZix K‡iv, wcÖZi D`¨gx n‡q cvwÛZ¨ AR©b K‡iv|]
Then the songs came like a blameless flame never to shame or flame –the songs came – in the shiny frame of the greens, in the rays, in the azurite sky through sublime ways all along the senses of life came the songs that don’t make the wrongs and never crimes – in the rightmost time came the crimeless chime and timeless rhyme of colourless time bathed deep into the colours of chime came the songs of rays in the ways that the ways do come to the fewer of the fewest some – some of the sums summing up the sums and sums of the some to sum up the some – sums of times and some of chimes summed up to the times with the sweetest chimes – times of chimes and rhymes of the time brought some of the new chime-paradigm taking the chimes for making a time that hymns with the purest of sublime, hymns go long along the rhymes and the chimes that belong for the mundane song of the songs of greens and songs of rays – songs that always find their ways or they pave in sublime caves the timeless ways of the chimeful waves of darks and ways of lights, ways of the sights of lights through the darkest nights – nights of rights and nights of wrongs.
Lights of bright darks spark the song of the songs of sights and songs of lights of rights that have the might to breakthrough the mundane nights - of fights of darks and the knights of lights who by the lights bright up the darkened sights – the nights of the caves that paved the lights of the rights of the rights-mights and rites and still bright up to light the darker mundane nights – nights of lights of the rightmost sights lighting up the way that never sway to pave the ways of rays from cave to cave.
Brave-most lights never fights with the nights or for their rights, but keep up the rights of lights of sights that bright up in every single mundane nights to the rightmost ways to do the rights of sights of bright lights of rights to pave the waves of brightest sights of rites of rights waving through the mundane nights of waves and lights of dots to spot a lot of eternal knot – not the lots of thoughts of lots of spots and knots to bring for lots the timeless thoughts of the sights of rights and the rights of the knots of oughts to spot the lot of thoughts amongst the millions ‘do’-s and ‘not’-s by the dots of oughts. Oughts and ‘not’-s spot the knots of things’ being and becoming – long along the long long-way did and shall they ray the way as they may or may not bring the being of the rings and ring of things and becoming of the times and chimes bringing the things in being to sing the songs that all or none bring to sing the ring of beings of things to be in the chime of time through the times and beings of rings to bring all into being and to sing one of the timeless timely mundane songs -
“And I shall again be on earth when there has been draught, and scarcity of water for a hundred years, born not out of mother’s womb when my praise will be recited by the saints. Then I shall cast a look on mankind with hundred eyes, and they shall call me the hundred-eyed from that time. Then, ye gods, I shall support the entire universe until there is rain with life-sustaining herb created out of my own body. ……….. ”
– Markandeya Chandi, Chapter, XI, 46-49
The doors of the Four of force of mores opened the doors and now the mundane time decides to bend to lend its hand to end the trends that send all to far too far from the end of Humankind and now the rounds found that its too bound by the bounds of bounds that bind the Humankind to find its way as it may vary to be agreed from time to time, and the grounds round the bounds that they found to hound the pace of progress through the doors of mores that opened to be with the time deciding to mend the space to face the pace, and the pace faces the phases of the race – the race faces the Phases of the space and pace. The sounds found that they are bound with the bounds of the grounds, so do the rays all the ways slide and glide – they hide and hide in the ways but never sway – the pace now race face to face to face the pace that bring the rays on the ways – the minds are blind though they find and bind the minds of million kinds, and may be more and more as the mores of the Four of doors. The force of Four and the Four of force and mores are of course the doors to course the course of course.
The doors of the force opened and the west now rest after the feast they’ve made with the east, south opened the mouth and the north came forth. The Four of mores opened the doors of talks that chalks the blocks, and now the mundane time bends to meet the ends. The west , giving its best, now rest and watch the watch, and share the priests of the east to make a proper list of the least-s. South opened the mouth and the north came forth.
The grounds are found in the rounds and the doors of doors are the force of the Four of the force to open the doors of them-us-their and yours through the course of mores of doors to recourse the mores of force, and of course, the mores of the Four are the doors of force to recourse the course of course.
The mind to find to find and bind the grounds and the rounds with the bounds of grounds and rounds that bind the Humankind to mind its way as it may vary to be agreed from time to time, and the grounds’ round that bounds what they found to hound the pace of progress that opened through the doors of mores to be with the time deciding to mend the phase to pace the race, and the space races through the race of the phases – the space faces the Phases of the pace of the race for the grace.
“Caetera pars animae, per totum dissita corpus,
Paret, et ad numen mentis nomenque movetur,” - Lucretius, iii,. 144
[The other part of the soul, diffused all over the body, obeys the divinity and great name of mind.]
The rays plays ways and the ways lays rays – the base rays ways and the ways raise rays, the rays race in pace without trace, the race of pace and the pace of race find their ways in time-space wherein in the thin the pace of rays and the race of pace traced the race’s phase to face and then found the rounds of grounds that were bound to be bound by the bounds. The grounds now found the sounds in the rounds and the doors to doors are the force of the Four of the course of mores to open the doors of them-us-their and yours through the mores of course of doors to recourse the mores of force, and of course, the mores of the Four are the doors of force to recourse the course of course.
The grounds they found and bound by the bounds of rounds of endless grounds that bounds the rounds of rounds and pace the race that rays the ways of the sage and trace the pace of the grace that s/he says of the days and of the nights where the dark sky too bright with the flights of endless cosmic lights. Through the ways, rays, days and nights of lights says the sage to raise the ways and the rays – “Race the pace to grace the race and ways as the ways play the rays that lay the ways, the ways race in paces without traces, the ways of pace of the rays and races trace the phases to face the race, and the race rays the ways and pace the phase always face to face all the ways; the ways too race phase to phase and face to face as the phases phase the ways face to face, the phase of ways and the ways of rays raced to raise and then found the grounds to be bound in the rounds and by sounds. Of course the doors of the course of the Four of cores of course, doors, mores and force course the discourse to recourse the mores of course, doors, mores and force; the force of the Four and the force of doors, the mores of mores of the cores and the doors of mores are the doors to recourse the course of course; and of course the doors of doors are the force of the Four of the force to open the doors of them-us-their and yours through the course of mores of doors to the doors recourse the mores of force, and of course, the mores of the Four are the doors of doors to endorse the cores of the course to recourse the course of course.”
Parabola- 25.
“Na Tanta, na Manta, na Deo, na dharana; asmala Citta”
No Mantras, no Tantras, no Deo or Dharana; only the pure mind- the spontaneous energetic consciousness can lead to liberation.
In the highly symbolic language of the siddhas, experiences of meditation are transformed into external events and external events are transformed into experiences of meditation. If for instance, it is said of certain Siddhas, they stopped the sun and moon intheir courses, or that they crossed the Ganges by holding upits flow, then this has nothing to do with the heavenly bodies or the sacred river of India but with the “solar” or “lunar” currents of psychic energy and their unification and sublimation in the body of the Zogeen. In a similar way we have to understand the alchemical terminology of the Siddhas and their search for the “Philosopher’s stone” and the “Elixir of life”. In the centre of the stories which deal with the mystic alchemy of 84 Siddhas stands the Guru NagArjuna ………….. Even PadmaSamvaba is said to have lived already in the Buddha’s and Asoka’s time, while others believe him to be a reincarnation of Goutama Buddha and an emanation of AmitAva. From this standpoint you might even now a days find the Siddhas of more than a thousand years ago still in Tibet, because their the spiritual succession is regarded as more important than a single life-time or an historical fact.
…………….. He who has realized the Prima Materia of the human mind has found the “Philosopher’s stone”, the metaphysical emptiness or Plenum Void which is the basis of the universe. It is in the creative void in which all forms are contained;it is not a substance but a principle, the precondition of all that exists – just as Shunyata or space is the precondition for all material things.
This idea is illustrated in the Guru Kankapa, one of the eighty four Siddhas. Once there lived a king in the east of India, who was very proud of his wealth. One day a Zogee asked him: “What is the power of your kingship when misery is the real ruler of the world? Old age and death revolve life like a potter’s wheel. Nobody knows what the next turn may bring. It may raise him to the heights of happiness or throw him into the depths of misery. Therefore, let yourself not be blinded by your present riches.” The king said: “In my present position I cannot serve the Dharma in the garb of an ascetic. But you can give me advice which I can follow according to my own nature and capacity without changing my outer life, I will accept it.” The Zogee knew the king’s fondness for jewels, so he chose the king’s natural inclination as a starting point and a subject of meditation thus in accordance with the Tantric usage of Turning a weakness into a source of strength – by what you fall, by that you rise! “Behold the diamonds of your bracelet. Fix your mind upon them and meditate thus:
They are sparkling in all colours of the rainbow;
Yet these colours which gladden the heart have no nature of their own.
The mind alone is the radiant jewel;
From which all things borrow their temporal reality. ”
And the King (Kankapa), while concentrating upon the bracelet of his left arm, meditated as he was told by the Zogee until his mind attained the purity and radiance of a flawless jewel.”
He was re-reading his hand-notes and was trying to rearticulate the things done and to do. The sky is getting thick and heavy. Shall it bring in rains? Shall it bring in rains like the pains of minds that find no where to go to and fro, or like the souls that strives for goals never reached or the roles yet to be preached to reach the riches yet to reach to preach the heights of the freights or the freights of the heights that give the way not to sway on the way to fulfill the goals of the souls that care for either or and neither nor of the things that sing to bring the ring of the sights of the sites of the flights of the lights of sights that never fights on life-way but never sway to reach, preach, teach, or to breach the goals of the rolls of the roles of the souls that share the sights of the lights that spark in dark that mark its time for the chime of sublime that brings the wings to fly so high in the sky that seldom might have the lights of the nights that are there everywhere one may see in life-sea within the phase of time-space that leaves no leaves of the trace of race for the phases of the faces of races that trace more or less the laces of faces, phases, places, and the races of the races for the graces of the traces, faces, phases and places that place the race in its proper place more or less of the phase of the race’s place and time for the proper chime to get through the doors of mores of the fours of the force that doors the mores of the doors’ source of shore’s shores offshore and to bring in more of the chime of time to the time of chime in its height, albeit the rhyme of time is but the chime of sublime hymn that brings in the rings of the timeless chimes and sings the rings of the rhyme-less times of the hymn of sublime –
So long you care for others too, and you and they know too
why-what-when-where-how to do,
Getting through the doors of time is no sin, it’s no crime.
“Quid juvat hoc, templis nostros inducere mores ?
O curvae in terris animae, et coelestium inanes! ” Persius, ii., 61,62
[Into our temples to what end introduce our own corrupt manners ?
O souls bending to the earth, devoid of all heavenly sentiments !]
Parabola- 25.
“Smith disputes both the notion that the pursuit of self interest is incompatible with the public good and the notion that the public good is automatically served by the pursuit of self interest.
Brilliant and multifaceted a thinker as Adam Smith was, however his work suggest that the proper role of social scientists is to identify institutional means by which the mixed passions of human nature can be harnessed in the pursuit of a more decent society. ……………… Can such a society survived over the long turn without some minimal concurrence on what constitutes desirable behaviour? Are there not standards of conduct that society must foster if it is to thrive? Smith thought there were, he believed, that what he called, commercial society requires institutions which foster prudence, self-control, respect for live and property and among some at least, concern for the common good, the ability to recognize the likely outcome of one’s actions, and an awareness of the limits of what is knowable and foreseeable. These concerns are once again at the forefront of political theory and public policy…….. Smith’s writings touch upon almost every aspect of social, in an approach I have termed “the Institutional direction of the passions”. His purpose was to make people more decent by designing social institutions which draw the passions toward socially and morally beneficial behaviour. This is the thread that runs through all his works: how the market can be structured to make the pursuit of self interest benefit consumers; how the passion for the approval of other can make us act more selflessly; how public institutions can be structured to ensure that they deliver the services there mandated to provide; how our desires……… can be structured by the low to create family institutions that foster self control; how institutions concerned with defense and taxation can be structured to avoid unnecessary wars, while averting military defeat which had so often destroyed civilized societies in the past.
Far from being and individualist Smith believed that it is the influence of society that transforms people into moral beings…………. The “liberty” Smith advocated was not “freedom” from all control, but freedom to control one’s own passions. That liberty would be learned from and encouraged by such social institutions as the market, the family, religious communities and the law….. Conservatives are act to regard the market untrammeled by governmental restrictions as among the tried and two institutions they seek to conserves. But what happens when the market, fuelled by the profit motive, elevates desire beyond duty, and when the surest way to make a buck is to appeal to what conservatives regards as though lowest of desires? Might not forces within the market, or the attitudes it promotes, erode the very cultural and social institutions conservatives seek to preserve?
Smith addressed the broad questions that contemporary academics often political, military, and cultural effects of the market economy. Written at a time when moral philosophy encompassed the study of law, history, and what we know today as psychology, political science and anthropology, Smith’s works are remarkable for their ranges and for the linkages they establish in the histories of legal, political, economic, military, religious and familial institutions. The richness of Smith’s vision comes from his ability to illuminate the relationships among these institutions and to do so with a common method of analysis…….. It provides an antidote to the view that the sole role of the market and of government is to make men richer, and any attempt to make society more moral will lead either to despotism or to poverty. It offers a critical response both to those who believe that government is the enemy and to those who assume that the market is wasteful or immoral. It serves as a corrective both to those who regard self-interest as intrinsically immoral and to those who regard it as the last word on human motivation.”
He was reviewing his hand note from the first six pages of Jerry Z. Muller’s Adam Smith in his time and ours, Designing the Decent Society.
The farthest you
Surely knew
The smells of the greenest morning-dew !
Mundane ties! Don’t say lies,
As lies bring pains and tears and sighs.
Am I of this time !
Or, the time is mine !
Can I drink and flow in the life’s holy wine ?!
Is it my name !
Or, only a frame !
Who’s the one who came for them ?
Could we rather, wait to gather
The parts of the lost ‘we’ all together ?!
Should we rather, haste to gather
The parts of the lost ‘we’ all together ?!
See ! my thoughts too are not mine !
As is the sun and its shine !
Have we not
Forever brought
The feathers of the wings to fly for a lot !
The olds and the new
But only a few
Are amongst all who may claim for a due.
What else we may say
Can we ever pay
The rightmost thoughts in a perfect way !
O! the penniless saint!
I beg to give you a cent,
And you please pay me the cent percent finest scent !
O! my nearest one,
Never tell anyone
That you too knew someone none.
Had I been
Out or in
The body you saw – ‘black, lin and thin’.
The endless time
In its own paradigm
Dances with the chime of its prime-most mime!
You all, and mine
Are but dots of a line
That ends to a circle of the 9.
The numbers are
Near and far.
Numbers give births, number mar.
Should I say
The way I may ?
The way that knew but crew not they !
The best thoughts we preach
Could never reach
The mindless mindful coarsest speech !
What’s the pace
Of time-space,
To win or ruin the endless race ?
Here, you see the time in you,
Playing in a way that you too knew.
Feel my touch and listen to the sublime song !
See, I’m being you without doing any wrong !
So long you care for others too,
Goes not wrong what you do.
Feel, taste, listen and see
This is you, they, she, he and me.
I’m the ‘me’ that you never feel or see,
As the drops of the sea cannot see the other parts of the very same sea.
But I bring the songs to sing
Till it’s the time for the parabola-ring.
“Frighten not but bright up and light up the ways always.
That’s the ways to ray the race.” – said the sage of the age.
One in none,
You are the One
None someone to bind the bonds of
Many in One.
The way we do,
Know you too,
Shall we grow
But to sow and flow.
I didn’t sing to you, the lonely songs
Of the wrongs cherished to sing the mundane-songs.
Shall we bring the songs to sing ?
And the moon will shine up the golden ring !!
Be not proud.
See the cloud – showering gains of rains but sounds not loud.
I’ll be there too, as I am here and there had been
And I’ll share with all the lights my self is bearing in.
Don’t be late.
Bate the fate,
And get through the gate albeit.
Neither against him, nor for him.
We work but for all-one theme.
We all shall see
The sea that flowed in
Te sea of they-you-we and me.
No sounds in these crowds
No prides left for the prouds
No mights can get these lights
No brightness can bring these sights.
Not the things they bring
Not the songs they sing
Nor the wisest priest or king
Can bring the Parabola-ring.
I will do, as do they and you too
Something old but looking to be new.
Tell them all that I never shy or sigh
Being blamed down for the works so high.
Did they came but to blame
Not your self, but the name ?
Beware more of the sore that some have in mind.
Beware more of the sore of that some as they may bite behind.
I was none in the crowd that proud for
The either or, or neither nor.
The sky went up in the sky
The sky of the skies that could not fly.
Sky showed up the way to the sky
For the skies who wished to fly.
The light in the minds, or the lights in the brains !
The loves in the hearts, or the loves come with the spring rains of gains !
Forgot not he anywhen the lights of loves coming out of the hard-earned grains !
Splendid love for a candid soul,
Love for those who reached the goal !
Loveliest are the souls who care for the whole.
Split not, split not! O! holy souls.
Stay together like the waves of the life-sea that altogether forever rolls.
Roll, and roll, but never rock each other in the mundane sea.
But don’t mind seeing others or let others to see.
The maimed brains of the waste-membranes
Causes hatred to works in a life mundane.
Knew not they that, in the other life they will have nothing to do !
Then why they restrained from works on earth and caused you too !
Green leaves who lived in the same
Once played on the life’s joyful game.
Like them all the souls too came
To live a mundane life in the Creator’s holy name,
But they are blurred and barred by the frame of them who wish others to tame.
Mind-darkness darkens through the leaves of believes of ages
Darkened mind-darkness throw the waves that paves no pages.
Mind-darkness carried amongst the race the worst of the rages,
Darkened fairy images took off the fruits, rice, even maizes.
Mind-darkness darkened to throw the waves of believes of pages.
Lightened darkness through the leaves live to pave new ages.
Brightest lights of millions flights of the Greats
That grates not the gratefulness over the great-full plates
That slates not the millions lights of the brightest flights
But shine the warmth of the wings of kites to the detailing slights.
His highest wrong so long
Was to be long to belong
That’s why for long along he had to cross the farthest far and long furlong.
It’s not the way they say it may do.
But the way the things are done by them, us, and you.
It’s the tale that we all to tell to the caedar trees.
And the song to sing all along to reach out all the three-s.
It’s not the hottest spots, neither it’s the coolest one.
It’s the thing to be done by many one
But not in the ways of the days bygone.
Is it your eye, or your I
That flies in the freest sky !
Who is it to see what comes through eye ?
Go through the ways
That never sway
And are enlightened with the seen and unseen rays.
The time we read
Was dusty bloody-red
Was it the one for which the prayers prayed ?
What’s the news ?
And what are the views ?
North-East-West-South, all he chews ?
A land
Where even a child was killed for 2000 bucks only.
And, this is the land wherein I was born,
And still do ‘live’.
Don’t believe ? Believe !
Souls are the one,
The minds may be any,
Though the bodies are millions more and many.
Where came from ?
Where to go ?
Where to end do we grow ?
The being’s space
And its pace
Decides the length of mundane grace ?
Where to leave ?
And, where to live ?
Who makes the norms of forms ? Who believe ?
Rebirth yet to be born
Of the Eesha, ‘crowned’ with thorn,
Is really prayed for or it’s too a scorn ?
It was a door
Through the walls numbering 4.
Walls were 4 ! Or, even more ?
Is it not enough for a night,
When fly through the darkest sky,
Hundreds or more sightful kites of lights !
Oho!, when you have a sum,
Save some, save some, save some.
May-flies may fly in the seconds of the seconds and the thirds,
For the birds, seconds that they fly not so high may reach,
The hours of life for them to the seconds
Or to the thirds not so high may fly the May-fly.
As differs the sense of the very same verse
We have only Justice’s shadows and images.
So, justice can be done only by the Creator
Who built the ages.
So none can ascertain that his justice is precisely just.
But we all agree that, to let humanity last, peace is a must.
So, let us all try to control the lust to be more just.
I’ve an original sin.
As there myself too had been,
But my works’ length was very thin in the thin.
Listen to the nights.
It’s a legend through the nights.
Listen, O! my friends, to what the trees say,
And, through the sky-see try to see
What the stars sign by the distant rays.
See the seas and the bees who works all the times.
See the taste of the life-elixir with the sweetest mundane-chimes.
O ! you, the holy souls, the best children of the times !
Do you waste your times ?
Know not you that it’s one of the most heinous crimes ?
Have a sound body ? or, even one who is lame, deaf, dumb or blind,
Anyone who lives may work at least with the mind.
Hands, legs, ears and eyes, voice and mind,
All are the working organs gifted by
The Creator – the holiest, the most gracious and the most kind.
Finest dark on the farthest spark of azurite ice
Of a dawn that goes on far once or, may be thrice
To ruin a gain-less win that is high in the price.
Finest spark on the farthest dark once or thrice !
Flies the price of the truths or lies on the bluest ice.
Rainless ruins that never win but bites behind
And takes the price many a thrice from humankind.
Furthest dark for the finest spark of priceless price
Bluest shades that never fade on the azurite ice.
1. He had
Mainly because of his distinctive path
He had to swallow the “grapes of wrath”.
I found him walking
Very very slowly up to the end
But, never found him to bend.
I asked him, who, really, was he ?
I asked him, who, really, is he ?
He returned a sentence only-
“Alike you
I am the soul
I are the mind
And, I is the body.
Never can they bend the souls down.
Though they can delay the mundane goals
And may break-through
or even dissect the body”.
See the palms -
The wounds bleeds even now in various forms.
And the chest - speared and torn.
See the feet -
Stricken by the nails of unjust norms.
And, the head,
They have ‘crowned’ with the thorns of scorn.
They bear the statue
engraved on the top of the altar.
But can’t feel the self
when in the name of the self
the very throat, they slaughter.
But you, who wars simply because of being paid,
See the palms
And look deep into the eyes,
Is it not the very self who prayed-
Care the much you can to those who cares
Share the dues to all who shares
And beat the swords, right now, into ploughshares.
2. His journey to
Many an events on his journey through the life,
And through the lives as well. Only a very few of those tales I tell you.
May be many of them many or some of you already knew.
And surely he knew too,
As most of those seemed to him to be nothing new.
So, he bathed in them and some of them and he took births anew.
The shiny dot that ended in the biggest blast,
And the seeds of the creed swimming over the ovum’s crust,
And the greens telling him the life’s hidden tales,
And the man, who against the wind dared to open the sails,
The war-orphan of not a very different past,
And the peace in the of the graveyards that everlast.
Many a flowers nipped in the bud in their infanthood,
Many of the truths vigorously bright but primitively crude.
Gliders of the skies and the shiny bird of a tiny wood,
All spoken to him and told him the life’s endless tale the much they could.
In his journey through the life he had to gain
From himself the right to drink up the gains of pain.
Pain or joy ? joy or pain ? pain or joy ?
I can’t say unless allowed by the troy,
But I can tell you some or this one tale –
I found him enchained and pained at almost every steps, as he denied
To leave his believe that each of the souls of goals should be dignified.
I found many one of them tried to improvise a crucifixion,
As in that case those ugly man-traders could gain and pain with a newer fiction.
And many tried too to improvise he was who,
He spoke not, as he knew who he was,
And too knew that very few were there around to judge who is who.
People around guessed and told, told and guessed,
Some caused chains of pains to derail him, though few blessed.
Did he care for the pains intended to derail him ?
Or he was only on his way ?
And one day felt someone within him to say –
“Take care of you and them, the much you can take care,
and that’s what welfare is, and it is too your purpose to be here.
Be in the line of positivity the much you can.
Mind that this should be the aim of your Karmo-Dhyan-Gyan.
Dhyan are the mind’s pacific culminations,
Gyan are the powers of the time’s expressions.”
-“But, what is the positive ? how can I guess
the ways that I may use to assess?”
-“Positive is that which with the lowest pain
helps to run smoothly the life’s ongoing chain.
Sometimes you may gain some of the rightmost way,
Once you gain them, forget not, and never sway.
Sometimes you may unwillingly cause some pain,
Seek mercy, O! ye holy soul, seek mercy then and then !
And, the primary powers you are pored with, save,
Save until you get someone to share, or, dare to save up to the grave.
As, that are the strengths which take part,
In the event of the creation of the best art –
The universe, the unique-most verse of the time,
And, one fail to feel this unless in the perfect sublime.
Sometimes you may reach and stay there through your mind-doors.
May be you’ve already seen even the holiest gates of the Four of mores.
Again you may be far a way from there,
But never forget to take the highest care.
Sometimes you may reach, sometimes anyone may fail,
But, O ! devotees forget not to sail
At least once in a day in the sublime-wave.
The ship you judge to be the best will do,
Though, in judging the ship, you should take the highest care too,
And the ship your purest mind chose for you will do,
But, sail with the utmost care through the sublime-wave.
Take care as well, when you will be there,
O! the wise devotee! Be cautious but brave.
You may be right or wrong in choosing the ship,
But, if you have sailed all through with the devotion of your purest mind,
You may be one of the souls pardoned, as the Creator forgiveth the best,
He who have blessed us with the soul, body and mind,
He is the most Gracious Almighty – the most Kind.
And, if anywhen, you feel that you are one of them who have been relieved,
Pray for, O! Ye holy soul, pray for them who outlived death or relive,
Pray for all to enlighten the path for those who really believe.”
Blessed are those who can
Differentiate between a poem and a verse.
Far more blessed are those who bless and bless only,
And seek pardon on behalf, but never curse.
3. The holy tree
And there was the holy tree, beneath it were the lakes
The lakes wherein everyday bath the holiest souls partake
The tree had been there and there were too the holy lakes
And the rules made by none of them and that’s why they couldn’t break
The holy tree and the holy lakes surrounded by the hill of Five
Even the souls of the bodies that died could bath in the lakes to be kept alive
Even the loners could go up there, but the bath they were to share
And the care they took of them signified who they are
The lakes and the tree abut which knew but only few
And who bathed there, blessed-most they are as they were born anew
The holy lakes beneath the holy tree, for only those who believed
Relieved of the pains and sighs, rising up above the highs outlived
The holy souls that reached that goal, read the holy verses forever read
And got the chimes of sublime and the lights that never fade
The holy souls reaching that goal were blessed with the eternal lights
The light they carried in them to pass through the darkest nights
The holy tree and the holy lakes, who could reach there read the holiest book
The holiest book given to all of us but the less-blessed can not make a look
The holy-tree born ever-free, the countless leaves of lights
Even a single leaf can outlive and shine through the darkest nights
The nights you see when sun does not shine are not nights that is told
The nights are that comes with someone’s birth and lasts even after becoming old
The nights come there and there come too
They know, you know and we know too,
There come the ones who will bring the light
That ever goes over the darks’ and lights’ eternal flight
The holy tree beneath which, beside the lake was the holy cave
Many holy souls bathed in the lake, but the cave opened only to the holy and brave.
4. They tried to disprove
And I saw the dissatisfaction that led them to haunt the smile glowing his mundane-face.
And the more they tortured, the more was the Creator’s grace –
A mild smile, always, on a satisfied face
A grace of strength to win the race of race.
They earned from the livelihoods that he could have earned.
They tried to disprove the virtues from the eternity that he learned.
And they haunted him every now and then.
But there were no jungles for him nor any den.
They were cowards and so he was deprived even of a trial of justice to face
But they sentenced him to endless torture in all the ways they could to pull him down from the holy grace.
Devils led the way, and the weaker souls swayed
To stand in guard of one of the holy souls for whom they, for long, prayed.
Let us don’t comment on the devils’ play as that is the way of them.
But see the misery of the poor souls who use to use the Creator’s holiest name.
These tiny creatures on earth pray and are preyed for long
And did let others’ fall preyed by the devils and there they seldom found anything wrong.
Knew not they that their confusion caused way for the evils to win
Nor that causing suspicious division and mistrust were aimed to ruin.
The devils caused the best and the precious-most children of the time to unwanted death.
They took off the breads and roofs, liberty and dignity, bonds and ties
And even tried to bar or poison the breath.
And the more they tortured, the more was the Creator’s grace –
A mild smile, always, on a satisfied face
A grace of strength to win the race of race,
Living on the soil out of toil but believing high.
And that’s the main offence, he committed in fact,
That caused the prolonged haunt trying to cause him to die.
5. We all must toil
And when you can get through the given time and space,
You reach the eternity contained in you,
You reach the life’s highest grace.
Now see the land we love the most.
Let us all sit together to have the look to the greens.
Let we all altogether have a look to the sky-book, for some whiles.
Many of us will again be here when we return from the exodus of thousand miles.
We have to come back to this bluest sky and the greenest soil.
Though we may leave now for the sake of peace,
We have to return again to establish equity and justice.
And, up to then, for days and nights, we shall toil,
We have to toil,
We all must toil.
Now let us all sit together and see the land we love the most.
The shiny green land that gives the most.
Let we all altogether have a look to the sky-book, for some whiles
And say good-bye to it until there are the most beloved smiles
Seeing us victorious as we come back again
From this unjust compelled-exile.
6. Even at the moment
Where bends the sky there fly the eyes,
And where ends the sky there live the I.
So, even when we get apart, save yourselves
And no pains, no sorrows, no sigh.
Even at the moment when I have to cross the largest mountain,
Or, even when I am all alone on a tiny boat in the sea and the sea is full of stormy rain,
No fear, my friends!, no sorrows, no pains, no sigh.
Even at the moment when you have to cross the largest mountain,
Or, even when you are all alone on a tiny boat in the sea and the sea is full of stormy rain,
No fear, my friends!, no sorrows, no pains, no sigh.
No pain, my friends!, no gain.
To give some gain, you have to incur some pain.
Better than being enchained is living on the soil out of toil but believing high.
No fear, my friends!, no sorrows, no pains, no sigh.
Where bends the sky there fly the eyes,
And where ends the sky there live the I.
So, even when we get apart, save yourselves
And no pains, no sorrows, no sigh.
7. Say
Say, “I am but an one, unlike again like anyone.
I am one who strives for the goals of the souls,
The goals that satisfies or adjusts essentials for exploring the body, mind and the soul,
Which is blessfully bestowed by the Creator.”
And say, “O! yes I do love the people of my land as they are too the part of the Humankind enchained in the pains of misery.
And surely,
Me too is a believer to believe in the rights and mights to and from who Creates.
A believer in the perfectness of sights and lights of the One who Creates,
Who Creates and let us live, leave, relieve and relive.”
Say, “I believe that though shall we leave, we shall leave to relive.
And, as we believe, we may live through the harshness of life that very few may.
Though that’s not meant to say that others are different, though some of them may differ.”
Then say, “So far I know, this rightful flight of the souls light to grow
And the strength not to bow before anything mundane,
Sometimes caused trillions through millions of years to unjust-undue mundane pains to chain the goal of the souls.
And, those pains brings no gains for the souls of goals.
So, O! men of souls, let us let our own and others’ souls’ lights to grow”.
And in your mind, you may always sing the very old mundane-song –
“So long you, care for others too, what you do goes not wrong.”
[Whom they scorn ? John ! whom they torture every now and then !
Whom they blame ? Mikoyo ! for whose death they try every now and then !
Whom they try ? Abdallah ! whom they try to put with sentences !
Try them all, try them altogether as time passes !]
8. See
See, he survived through a long loneliness,
Even then the happiness sparkling through the eyes.
Walking through the millions of individuals’ dream
Without having an oasis in the crowd of ‘mainstream’.
See, he walked through the roads of Nineve to Mithila
Carrying the warmth of the endless human-dreams.
But, only heard the passers-by screams
Of unfed souls without goals.
Up there above the mountain-top shines the summer-nebula
Showering the cosmic thoughts on the life-mundane.
And, what is that you call ‘the hell’ or ‘heaven’ ?
The sage of the time to break some of the thoughts paradigm
Walked thousands of miles of space and time.
Now says he, “You see, Nineve or New York cannot help you to find your souls.
Dare you to detach from such shiny loop-holes ?
So, you get your self , O! my friend you get yourself back to you.
Think and place your soul without any rush or cue.
Reaching the state when the creed-seed is ready to grow,
Prepare yourself to sow them in your pre-arranged fertile meadow.
Then grow and flow like the singing vows of life that never bow,
As the life is nothing but the parabola bow.”
9. No far are the souls
No gains come without pains
No gains ever and so never the pains.
No pains-no gains, no gains- no pains.
The drops of the rain coming down on the solid plains
See the gains of rains, see the pains of rains
See, the crystal clear watery crown-drops falling down on the earth.
No far are the souls my friend! Never had they been.
Though there were, are and may be too many walls.
Even then, see anywhen they can break the walls
The coupled souls of love dance the sublime waltz.
So chain the pains and turn them into gains my friend!
As you too know that the gains too are pains.
And to gain the utmost gains, breakthrough the walls of mind-chains.
10. They waited for
They went in the nights’ deep.
They went in the lab-dips of the night.
They went through the night in search of the lights of the dawn.
They walked in the sky-ways of distant cosmic rays.
They walked all along altogether.
And waited a long polar night for all to gather.
They waited for them all.
And that’s why they didn’t fall.
A bravo summer night in the river-bank,
A deep breath of the honey-smell from the mustard field,
A long tale along the life that the sky tells to you,
A few tasks to be done by millions minds.
A chill midnight in Bavarian Alps,
A door behind you that you closed forever,
A storm that you have to pass through the clouds,
A life that you can not share.
A mind that never minds the brutes and the kinds,
A song that never had its raudeavu to they or you,
A life that was barred, to be shared, due to undue taboo.
11. the mundane-keys
Silent rains coming down on the greens that bring you a drop of the sky.
Silent raindrops drops around, calming down the sky.
The kids-ancien lost the mundane-keys when they drowned in the stream,
And found them nowhere in the stream up and down, down and up.
The brown dreams, and only in the streams of dreams you met the kids
Who played round the Patagonian plains or by the Nile,
Who stopped a while, while rushing down the Bavarian Alps or the Steps,
Kids, who punched their step-marks in the Mekong’s clay,
Kids, who bids and play for the life to make it l’mundane.
The kids-ancien lost their keys drowned in the stream,
Or in Chan-hu-daro, or in the Saharan plains ?
Or, they lost the keys in the dreams of the dreams full of pains ?
Silent rains coming down on the greens that brings you a drop of the sky.
Silent raindrops drops around, calming down the sky.
12. And then
And then, none of the planes shall fly,
Nor any ship shall sail offshore.
The lights on the earth shall lit no more.
And there shall be no stars or sky.
But even then there shall be I.
And, everywhen, there shall be we.
When there shall be no man or woman to lie,
When there shall be no way nor any passers-by,
There shall be no arts, sciences, and even these sublime-songs.
And there shall be no mights, rights or wrongs.
There shall be no chains or wars nor any pains or sigh.
But, as there shall be the souls of goals,
Surely there shall be I,
And, everywhen, there shall be we.
Those who habitually mistakes or misinterprets, for them say I,
The I is I myself, again it is not this I.
13. They flamed
Fearing the winds of the lights he had in himself,
They flamed the burns to turn him off,
They named him what they needed to name,
To tame down a holy soul,
And to misplace the goal he had been assigned to
Didn’t he see their tricks for a long ?
Didn’t the mundane song of life show him the way ?
Why do they thrush, knew not him ?
So did he when they praised.
14. Do not sway
Didn’t you know whom they embrace and whom they hurt ?
You have to have the finest arts to live.
Live like you the much you can, as you know who you are,
Fear not O! holy mind, the souls of goals shall care for you and so shall He.
They may seem to be mighty, but soulless really they are,
And that’s the reason that you may dare to share.
You may dare to take care of their morbid souls,
And you may care for them to perform their actual roles.
Whoever you are to see the Creator’s kingdom close and near or still too far,
Surrender not to the evil-doers, try to put an instance of stance.
If they have done more than anything to you in the mean time,
As you have pronounced some of the best holy rhymes of the time,
Do not sway on your way. What more can they cause ? Incur.
15. Live like you
Bear not the body only as the animals do too,
Live like you, relieve like you, and relive as and when should you.
The light you have within is the eternal one,
The sight you are sharing is lit by the many holy One who is none.
Fear and agony is the final temptation they may place before a holy soul’s harmony.
Let not them to win this time and never say –”ضبكتني لما ضبكتني”
He leaves not you, neither did He leave,
As that’s the bless He forever agree.
They may try to tie you with their chains to inflict pains,
And may try to dump you down with some mundane ‘gains’.
Never let them in where the Holiest live in,
Try your best and never give in.
As we don’t see the air but we all do breath,
Many of the holiest souls have outlived death.
So long you are rightly on the holiest way,
Never bend down, nor should you sway.
Bear not the body only as the animals do too,
Live like you, relieve like you, and relive as and when should you.
16. kinder-souls
Yet not have they beaten their swords into peace-ploughshare,
Though millions of kinder-souls go without care!
Yet not have they found their holiest king,
Though praising all his worth, they sing and sing!
They failed to do all these as,
Till now their minds are barred by their own-made pains and chains.
Into peace-ploughshare shall they beat their lusty minds’ swords.
“But, when ?” the biggest question on the time’s blackboard.
17. The life he had
The life he had was a canvas-scape
And the time he lived in always changed its shape.
Crowded with the cloudy thoughts and chimes,
Once he heard to the rains that was singing some none-sense rhymes –
“Beware of them who try to whisper you what you are not,
Beware of them, who try to show a few to be a lot,
Beware of them who talks in more than a way,
And, beware of them who sway or cause other to sway.
Beware of them who talks more than they work or think,
And of them who drink not themselves but let others sink.
Beware of them who take the chance to reach you and whisper –
“See, O! Poor soul! How lonely and helpless you are!”.”
The life he lived was a vast canvas-scape
They crowded and tried in vain to change its shape.
18. Nobody on his way
Nobody on his way to the dead’s ground!
But only the soldiers, slaves and the crowds,
And some pains, wonders, shouts and the prouds
Of the ‘Rabbi’s who thought that they had made ‘the fall’
Of the One who was in himself a heavenly call.
And, when came the storm,
As there was too much, too too much of painful sigh,
Could they see? The soul that was born in high
Was taken back to the sky.
Without wings, swimming through the sky, did he go.
Now they cry in his home and in Rome.
Now they cry for the soul that left the earth long ago,
And now may or may not take some more time to come back home.
19. They say
They say that they have made the moulds,
And they try to limit other people’s goals.
Did they mould their lusts and greeds?
Did they fix up the range of their ruthless deeds?
Tortured and tormented,
Dissected and fragmented by undue concussion,
Truth-seekers now wait for the proper-most time of the incarnation.
20. Who ?
Who control the controllers?
And who shape the shapers?
Who guard the guards? Who judges whom?
And who keep them on papers?
Who jails the sails?
And, who rail the hails?
Who ray the ways and who ways them?
Who flames the names?
Who are tamed men? Can you say who tame?
Who rains the pains and who pain the gains?
Who has been put in the chains? Who enchains?
Caught up in the bounds of life,
Who are to sigh up the sky?
It’s nobody of a distant reach my friend!
All that are the container and the contained – they, you, we and I.
21. The someone
Find the first drops of the rain
Falling down on the emerald leaves.
The first drops of the rain
Coming down to the earth for the people who follows the believes.
The first drops of the rain
Falling down on the furthest ferns.
The first drops of the rain
Falling down on the someone with no home to return.
The first drops of the rain splashed on the wings of the lonely kites.
The first drops of the rain coloured with the purple-green thunder lights.
The first drops of the rain carrying with it the heavenly chimes.
The first drops of the rain sing to all to help reach the deepest sublimes.
The first drops of the rain falling down on the upward face of an obsessed saint.
The first drops of the rain coming down from a sky looking like a water-paint.
The first drops of the rain making the moment’s silver crowns as they fall on the concrete plains.
The first drops of the first rain-fall falling as heavenly grace on everyone’s face to wash all the pains.
The first drops of the rain splashed on the wings of the lonely kites.
The first drops of the rain coming down to kiss on the lips of the thirsty soil.
The first drops of the rain falling on the leaves of a virgin forest that never spoil.
22. We rise for
We rise for the holiest silks stretched through the waves on the river-beds.
We rise and work to reach out the lost loop-holes of the pro-life flow-threads.
We rise for the holy child again to be born,
Who will have on the forehead a shiny crown of thorn.
We sow the seeds of the dreams to come that the time bestow
We sow the seed in the soils of mind and tell others to do so.
We plough the soil of the mind the much we could and we can.
As we found very few jobs better to be done other than.
We break our pains and dig out the gains of the time.
And we throw the chains of mind that we think to be the task-de-prime.
We rise for the sun that stretches the golden ray on the leaves.
We rise for the children of the earth who believe in the blesses
And bade those to others who believe.
We rise for the rhymes yet un-torn
Which will pave the way to the eternal light and cause to pace ahead.
We rise to save the mothers and children who are crucified.
We rise for the lasting peace and tranquility without any dogma prefixed.
We rise for the children of the earth who dare to share.
We rise for the brave devotees who pray and take care.
We rise for the sons of toils who make the sun rise.
We rise for the paddy growers of the earth who fed the saint-king and wise.
We rise for the dreams that the mankind bear in forever.
We rise for the peaceful minds who shall turn braver.
Braver than the beasts and brave enough to face the Mar’s Medusa.
Braver enough to pick up the Mimosa
With the leaves open for a lovely touch.
A touch of the time-priest who shall make the call for peace in south, north, west or east.
We rise for the children of the earth who dare to share.
We rise for the brave devotees who pray and take care.
We rise for the sons of toils who make the sun rise.
We rise for the paddy growers of the earth who fed the saint-king and wise.
We rise for the dreams that the mankind bear in forever.
We rise for the peaceful minds who shall turn braver.
23. they shall see
And they shall see the sea, the tree that never fell.
They shall see them all and will tell the tale.
They shall go the furthest far and far more than they are.
They shall ask the dusk – “Does the sun rise? Does it set?
Are we too early? Are we late?”
They shall smash and they shall wash
The inborn darts of dirt of a mundane-clash.
They shall leave entangled and shall go.
They shall go as they won’t bow
To the force that men has made.
But, grace is that they shall bade.
And they shall bade the songs of songs,
They shall wash-off the pains of wrongs.
They shall leave and shall come back soon.
Sh-sh-sh! Quietly wait, soon, the hawks shall be coming down from above the moon.
But, now, they shall again see the sea
And the tree that never fell.
They shall see and shall tell the tale.
They shall go the farthest far from the places where they are.
They shall ask the dusk- “Does the sun rise? Does it set?
Are we yet too early? Are we late?”
24. where the sun shines
There the sun shines on the shrines and the moon light kisses on the icy shades.
The holy tree’s branches all around and the lakes without bounds.
And the birds bringing in to sing the silent mundane-song –
“So long you care for others too what you do goes not wrong.”
There the sun shine on the shrines and the moon’s light kisses on the leaves’ silver-shades.
And only some would have the charm to get in through the golden gate.
There the masters of the creeds caring for the holiest of the seeds preserved best for the world’s fate.
There sat the saints who denounced all the things even then grew so strong.
As if tuned by the same, altogether all of them sang the pre-known mundane-song –
“So long you care for others too what you do goes not wrong.”
There the mountains are large and high but none of them were the prouds
Rather shared the sights in the days and nights with the breezes and the clouds.
And in the shrines the saints meditated for the world outlived by all of them.
Thousands had thousands minds for the bests of mankind but they all never fall beyond the range of the agreed half-theorem –
“So long you care for others too what you do goes not wrong.”
There had been the holiest tree and there had been the holy lakes around
The lakes shone bright in the days and nights with the shades of the light without bound.
And at the entrance of the silver shrine there had been a golden gate
A single verse was heard as one in their would hear thousands birds chimes singing the song –
“So long you care for others too what you do goes not wrong.”
Can’t you feel? Don’t you see that the time opens up its doors for you
With the sweetest of the chime of sublime?
Don’t you see the non-mundane thee sitting beneath the holiest tree?
Can’t you feel in the layers of time of which you are but one of the billions leaves?
Don’t you share the for whom you care the best of that you could earn?
And, don’t you think and say that they needn’t pay anything to you in return?
When you share and care for others with the best gains of you,
You gain the best of anything that in your life you would ever do.
And then you too share in the life’s finest layer and you too could sing the mundane song
- “So long you care for others too what you do goes not wrong.”
25. just preserve
If need, just preserve the seed of the new creed and wait for the time.
When it’s the time again, breed the seed of the creed,
And for them, leave the task
For which there is none to ask, but the Creator
Who is the Merciful to open the doors of the either-or
For you, but do not leave the race of the races in the phases of the races
To prove and disprove the Creator’s grace.
Leave not the race, nor the pace.
Leave not the phase, face face to face
And, trace the best of the Creator’s grace.
And, leave not the time before the time,
As that’s too a sin, if not a crime.
If needed, leave the place but not the race,
Leave not the pace nor time before the time, O! Holy souls!
As that causes pains for all of us
By causing delay to reach the goals.
26. Lives you live
Two lives you live.
One you feel and one you believe.
Two existences you really are,
One takes of the one that you share.
Two lives you live within.
The material one can be touched,
But the sublime remains hidden within.
Two bounds you have to care,
The range they put on you, and the range you incur.
27. And when
And when he threw away some of the mind-chain,
The salvation was being gained and it was the time to contain.
Then they came,
The slave-priests and the s-collars who pretended
To preach for the lights though themselves had not the sights of wrongs and rights.
The slave-priests knew more or less more about him,
And feared people’s-rise if they too could dream like him
Of a newer humane-time beginning a newer and better age.
So they declared him to be a ‘ghost-led’ man to be kept in cage.
So rude was the s-collars as well,
And they started to tell that in this land he was the prime-lunatic.
He dared to say – “It’s less harmful to become lunatic than becoming a fanatic.”
The slave-priests and the s-collars also tried to prove what they told about him,
And to ensure success they caused him to be out of the income-stream.
And very secretly, they tried to colour him as a violent terrorist.
These are why, nothing to shy, he had to starve many many a times.
They could dry up his flesh and blood, but could they undo his dream?
Next they tried to subdue him by any means,
And gathered and employed all their strengths to cause to him an endless starvation.
Ask not, O! The next generation,
Ask not to anyone – “Who was he?
What made him subject to such cruelty?”
He ‘committed the highest sin’ of the slave-land.
He dreamt and preached for a brotherly unity of the souls and for liberty.
He dared to dream for the unity of universal humanity.
28. The Creator blessed
The Creator blessed h
অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।