আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


Eye opener Telephone interview with LUMS.

Extremely sorry for killing your valuable time & writing in english. But i could not help sharing some amazing experiences of telephone viva. May 10th this year i faced first ever of my life telephone viva with foreign agency. Though my viva was not up to the mark but it was definitely an eye opener one for me. I want to share with you to let you know how much time they spent to evaluate a candidates cv. LUMS is for Lahore University of Management Science. In February this year they advertised through daily star about an orientation of their university. As usual i thought this uni must be a so called spot admission with scholarship one that we see frequently in newspaper. I missed their orientation session overlapping with my IBA xm. Later they asked interested person to sit for a LMAT(GMAT conducted by LUMS for their admission purpose) test for those who have no GMAT score. I sat for this exam with my iba preparation. Later they inform me to send my cv with two forwarding letter. Then i tried to check the status of LUMS. What i found, some fact file of LUMS are here: according to Asiaweek, LUMS MBA is 1st in Pakistan, 2nd in subcontinent, 23 in Asia, among 300 in the world. Whereas IBA & BUET r not in among top 200 Business school/university even in Asia. Lowest salary of LUMS MBA 2007 was 60K Pak rupee. Highest 374K PKR. http://www.lums.edu.pk Later i sent recommendation letters from my friend raihan(working as a lecturer, UGC) & his boss. I was asked to appear for a viva at tigers den BL office. I was ready for a face to face viva, but when i entered viva room my thought lost its color. Some one asking me from Pakistan , hello mr. Ahsan, can u hear me. U r form CUET. In cuet there r two organization green for peace & joyodhani. Were u member of this two organizations? Whats were their functions? U planing tree but deforesting is going on?deforesting is also needed for industrialization, how can u evaluate this? U have an experience of dhakacom. What type of organization it? Where it situated. I answerd, its an ISP, & situated at navana tower gulashan. Agni is in which floor of that building. Which submarine connection u used for? What technology u used? Gsm & cdma which one is better & why? 3 G technology is viable for BD? U worked in Dhaka Stock Exchange? What was ur responsibility, who was ur immediate boss? U said, mr ahsan about industrial wastage, but i pay tax from my profit , why i should bother on environment. Another surprise came: u r working in dhakabank it division, do u know mr Jonied sharafi( my colleague). He is now working on a project between a dbl & banglalink. Do u konw what the project? The big surprise came, when they asked, Mr raihan is your classmates( if i m not wrong) , how he recommended you? I was wordless for few second, how they find out that mr. Raihan is my class mates. When i told it to raihan, he said, actually they verify all the noun used in your submitted document. Finally , all things clear 2 me, how its possible> actually, LUMS verify every vital information (every noun , according 2 raihan)provided by a candidates by LUMS graduate working in Bangladesh. Mr. Nahid, a LUMS graduate the culprit(ha ha) was the person behind this. I thing he should work on CID, Bangladesh Police.

অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।