More than a quarter billion people play games on Facebook every month. All that activity translated into more than $2 billion for Facebook developers in 2012 alone.
Clearly, Facebook apps are a huge business, so it's no surprise more and more developers are joining the platform.
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"Developing for each new iteration of the Facebook platform has had a huge impact on our growth, especially in the last couple of years," Otis Chandler, CEO and co-founder of Goodreads told Mashable in an interview earlier this year.
"By January 2012, Goodreads had grown to 6.5 million members. Facebook Timeline launched at that point and that's when we saw a huge jump in sign-ups and traffic from Facebook. There are now more than 18 million members on Goodreads and a large part of that is due to Facebook. There were several factors behind that growth (we hit a critical mass, mobile became an increasingly significant driver of new members and we launched our recommendation engine) but Facebook was the accelerant on the fire," he says.
So where are most of Facebook's developers located?
Facebook recently shared with Mashable information about its developer community in the United States — where they’re located and which cities are the main hubs the developer community.
There are currently 20 U.S. cities that are each home to more than 1,000 Facebook developers. Not surprisingly, the city with the most Facebook developers is San Francisco, followed by New York City and then Los Angeles.
“Some cities have more developers because they’re near a tech university or they have giant tech companies that are feeding people into startups and venture capital and that sort of thing," says Ilya Sukhar CEO of Parse.
Parse was acquired by Facebook in April to help developers build apps. The company currently provides back-end services to more than 100,000 apps.
Amongst all the developers is an underlying trend: mobile.
“For Facebook and specifically our developers, for the past year plus we’ve just been focused on: ‘OK, it’s just about mobile, how can we help mobile developers? What services can we offer to mobile developers to make their lives better?,'” Mike Vernal, director of engineering at Facebook told Mashable.
“That sort of philosophy played a key role in why we thought Parse was such a natural fit for Facebook,” he says.
“We are just focused on making it as easy as possible to build great mobile apps, get those apps to the right people and turn great apps into great businesses.”
Additional reporting by Kurt Wagner
Image: Flickr, mkhmarketing
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