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Daft Punk, Nile Rogers and Pharrell Lose Themselves to Dance

In Daft Punk's new video for "Lose Yourself to Dance," Pharrell Williams and Nile Rogers jam along with the French electronic pop duo in what looks like a hip 1970s discotheque. The groovy stage stands shining above a mountain of ecstatic clubbers, bumping and boogying to Rogers' funky rhythms.
The video tows the line of the disco revival aesthetic — a hallmark of Daft Punk's image since the first "Random Access Memories" teaser on SNL in March.
See also: Daft Punk's 'Get Lucky' Re-Imagined Through the Decades
The funky foursome previewed a portion of the video live at this year's MTV Video Music Awards.
"Lose Yourself to Dance" marks the first full-length music video released by Daft Punk since 2010's "Derezzed," from the soundtrack of Disney's Tron Legacy.
Check out a few of our favorite moments in GIF form below.
Image: Youtube, Daft Punk; GIFs: Mashable, Christine Erickson

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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