You can now buy episodes of HBO shows like Game of Thrones, The Newsroom, True Blood, Boardwalk Empire, Girls, Veep and The Wire from Google Play. Individual episodes cost $1.99 to 2.99 (or $3.99 if you want high-definition), or you can purchase full seasons for $19 to $29.
The cable channel said this was just the beginning of the partnership, according to Engadget. It plans to put more content up soon, such as HBO documentaries.
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The prices aren't terribly high, but they could make the a-la-carte options unattractive for binge watchers. An HBO subscription only costs around $10 to 15 per month depending on the cable provider, and it comes with HBO Go, giving subscribers online access to all of the channel's content on a variety of screens. But for anyone who just wants to watch a season or two, or for those that don't buy cable, this provides the first legal way to get HBO content without paying a subscription fee.
What do you think of individual HBO episodes being sold on Google Play? Tell us in the comments, below.
Image: Fickr, JasonParis
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