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21 Reliable Sources to Follow on Twitter for Debt Ceiling News

The United States government remains shutdown as the threat of a looming default threatens the country's credit rating. While the Senate Democratic leader announced a bipartisan deal on Wednesday morning to avoid default and reopen the government, it remains to be seen whether the two parties can seem to come to an agreement ahead of the debt deadline on Thursday.
Mashable assembled a list — in no particular order — of reliable reporters who are on the ground, covering the government shutdown and the looming debt ceiling. We've also compiled the best Twitter lists of politicians and other pundits.
See also: The 10 Cities Most Affected by U.S. Government Shutdown
We will continue to update this list as the story develops, and we welcome your additions in the comments.
In Washington, it's looks like it's all over but the voting…until January. http://t.co/Mjiaqvs9vW
— Tim Fernholz (@TimFernholz) October 16, 2013
Reid & McConnell aides agree: their bosses, re-engaging to fill void of House GOP, "optimistic" of deal to reopen govt and avert default.
— Jackie Calmes (@calmesnyt) October 15, 2013
Patrick O'Connor, on GOP infighting, quotes GOP Rep.Devin Nunes: "This is it. The Star Wars convention ends today." http://t.co/IEoaHqiMYk
— Janet Hook (@hookjan) October 16, 2013
For everyone saying US won't fall behind on bills until Nov. 1, it's fairly certain financial markets won't wait that long to find out.
— Damian Paletta (@damianpaletta) October 16, 2013
Sky-high levels of unemployment claims from feds http://t.co/2x4aaCYtVW
— Aaron Blake (@AaronBlakeWP) October 16, 2013
Caution: Citing Senate sources as to what the House will do is even more dangerous than citing House sources saying what House will do.
— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 16, 2013
Per Sen sources, Boehner has agreed to take up the Senate's plan and allow it to pass with Dem votes.
— Robert Costa (@robertcostaNRO) October 16, 2013
Per senior GOP aide: Hse leadership mtg is over, no decisions have been made about whether the House or Senate will go 1st
— Frank Thorp V (@frankthorpNBC) October 16, 2013
Sources say Collins group of 14 senators told McConnell they have a bipartisan plan ready if he didn't. McConnell said he/Reid have deal
— Kelly O'Donnell (@KellyO) October 16, 2013
Boehner in March: "Do you want to risk the full faith and credit of the US over defunding Obamacare? That's a very tough argument to make."
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) October 16, 2013
85 Republicans voted in favor of the fiscal cliff deal in early January.
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) October 16, 2013
New: GOP dilemma: House majority failure means best hope is weak Senate minority. http://t.co/606FS36dd2
— Byron York (@ByronYork) October 16, 2013
U.S. lawmakers begin last-ditch effort on debt ceiling http://t.co/GPupRIwq95
— Jennifer Ablan (@jennablan) October 16, 2013
North Carolina is first state to cut welfare amid federal shutdown http://t.co/ROb9PJOzWd
— Pedro da Costa (@pdacosta) October 16, 2013
(@Reuters) — Major Wall Street indexes hit session highs as US House intends to vote on emerging Senate fiscal plan
— Gabriel Debenedetti (@GDebenedetti) October 16, 2013
yes, there's a deal. no, Republicans haven't reviewed it yet. and no, no votes scheduled yet.
— Rick Klein (@rickklein) October 16, 2013
Debt ceiling countdown: What really happens on Thursday and beyond http://t.co/DuJVLTDxsV
— Jeanne Sahadi (@jjsahadi) October 16, 2013
Curated by CSPAN, this is a list of every member of Congress who is active on Twitter.
Curated by CSPAN, you'll find some of the reporters and media outlets above plus more.
Curated by Twitter, this is a list of the principal accounts of Members of the U.S. House of Representatives (a mix of campaign and government accounts).
Curated by Twitter, these are the principal accounts of members of the U.S. Senate (a mix of campaign and government accounts).
Have something to add to this story? Share it in the comments.
Image: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

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