আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


Rapper Drops Mic, Letter 'E'

Here's a little bit of trivia for you: The most commonly used letter in the English language is "e." It's hard to say or write much without it. This very short paragraph, for example, uses it no less than 17 times.
But Andrew Huang don't need no stinkin' "e." Watch the YouTube video above as he delivers a two-minute rap that actually sounds professional without using English's most common letter a single solitary time. No matter how you feel about his music — or rap music in general — it's an impressive accomplishment of vocabulary and creativity.
See also: Best Newscast Ever? Anchor Quotes Rap Lyrics For 5 Straight Minutes
If Huang's name sounds familiar, there's plenty of reason why. Already this year he's made similarly excellent YouTube music videos featuring: meth lab tools as instruments in tribute to Breaking Bad; a very mellow tune made almost entirely of water sounds; and a tour of the alphabet's 26 letters using a different musical genre for each.
BONUS: 20 Entertaining YouTube Videos Under 20 Seconds
Apples and banahoahahshas.
Cuban Pete is king of the rumba beat.
Just needed a little exercise.
Hokey Pokey on repeat.
Typical Muppet reaction.
Gangnam Style + Star Wars = 11 Seconds of Awesome
Pugs are pretty scary.
No description needed.
Fur will fly.
Hoppity hop pug.
Trucking, trucking...whaaa?
Sometimes all you need is a few seconds of puppies.
High kicks.
This is why people are afraid of technology.
Now you know how to say hamburger.
Failed to watch for the red light.
Well, that was fun.
Luke tries to resist the Dark PSYde.
Homepage image: Andrew Huang, YouTube

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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