আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


Newspaper to Put All Reporters Through Social Media Boot Camp

One of the country's oldest remaining big city newspapers, the San Francisco Chronicle, is set to announce a radical plan to arrest circulation decline and remain relevant in the digital age, Mashable has learned.
Audrey Cooper, the first female managing editor in the paper's 148-year history, will require all staff to enter what is being described as a startup-style incubator. In a separate off-site office, journalists will undergo two months of rigorous training — in effect, a digital and social media boot camp.
See also: 'World's Oldest' Newspaper Going Digital After 279 Years
"The approach is novel for newspapers," says Cooper. "It physically removes reporters from the traditional newsroom and gives them new digital metrics, such as engagement time, to judge whether their stories have reached our core audience. We also plan to use real-time monitoring of the clicks we get from social media and other referral sites, including LinkedIn, Pinterest and Reddit."
While it sits in the heart of San Francisco's startup community in the SOMA district, the Chronicle has lagged in its coverage of technology and social media services. Its circulation has plummeted by 50% since 2009. The paper, owned by the Hearst Corporation, now has less than 200,000 readers and is said to be losing millions of dollars a year. That will be somewhat offset by Yahoo, which is to start leasing space in the Chronicle's office building.
The Chronicle's website, SFGate, is steadily gaining readers — but not at a pace that makes up for the paper's decline. Cooper, 36, hopes to change all of that. She intends to rename the paper's business section, and hopes the incubator will encourage reporters to take risks and think "digital first." The Chronicle's journalists, from its 95-year-old science editor on down, will be required to learn how to use analytics dashboards to track their stories.
Though the paper has gone through several rounds of layoffs, Cooper wouldn't say whether reporters' jobs would be at risk if they failed the boot camp. "We’re focusing on retraining our journalists, not threatening them," she told Mashable.
Image: Flickr, Juliandunn

সোর্স: http://mashable.com/

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