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10 Chic Style Bloggers to Dress Up Your Instagram Feed

Leandra Medine is an A-list style blogger if there ever was one. The bold New York native’s motto is to embrace trends that women love, but men hate. Bold statements are within her comfort zone, and you can find her rocking androgynous suits and colorful layered looks, always making sure to slap on a reckless number of accessories.
Minimalism is king for blogger Jennifer Grace. Instead of colorful patterns, she features classic monochrome pieces. When colors do pop up, they’re relegated to muted burgundies, creams or plaids.
Grace will remind you that there’s a world of inspiration in black and white outfits.
Gorgeous model, actress and blogger Christina Caradona is the epitome of messy chic. With her tangle of curls and tomboy style, she’d be the type of person to show up in a fabulous outfit and say, “Oh this? It’s just something I threw together.” And did we mention she speaks French?
Dapper duo Travis Gumbs and Joshua Kissi are sartorial perfection, dripping cool every time they step outside. Everything about their wardrobes is delicately chosen, and their joint Instagram account is a mix of eclectic outfit shots and snaps of New York City.
Scrolling through their photos is like looking through a virtual art gallery, and before long, you'll severely want to step up your Instagram game.
Arabelle Sicardi’s style speaks to fashion lovers who draw inspiration from aliens and avant-garde couture. Splendidly weird outfits aside, Sicardi’s hair deserves its own blog, because she’s constantly cutting and dying it a rainbow of colors.
Having model good looks and a killer wardrobe – such is the life of London-based blogger Natasha Ndlovu. Her wardrobe consists of ultra-glam pieces such as stilettos, leather skirts and fur coats. It’s where high fashion meets British street style.
Banish your fear of mixed prints and dramatic pieces by following Kelly Framel of The Glamourai. She gleans style inspiration from global fashion, recently biting looks from Vietnam, Thailand and China.
For twice as much style inspiration, look no further than the Song sisters. Aimee is a verifiable Insta-star, with more than 1 million followers. Playful outfits abound, inspired by the punchy and fun vibes of her native L.A.
Dani, on the other hand, is the rebellious antithesis, sporting long blond hair and provocative, grungy looks.
Luanna Perez will lead you to the dark side. A New Yorker by way of Peru, Perez is the dark witch of the bunch, with a sense of style that draws more from rock ’n’ roll than the pages of Vogue. Drag out your old band tees and slip on some high-waisted denim shorts if you want to roll with her crew.
Effortless is the first thing that comes to mind when admiring Danielle Bernstein’s wardrobe. Her looks are a mix of modern trends, with a splash of personal panache. Caution: You will want to raid her closet immediately.
Your Instagram account needs a style awakening. Luckily, the photo-sharing site is buzzing with fabulous accounts from style bloggers all over the world, gleefully hashtagging their outfits of the day (#ootd).
Blogs and fashion go hand-in-hand, introducing clothing-obsessed readers to style stars such as Leandra Medine of The Man Repeller and Kelly Framel of The Glamourai. Not only do they put together total sartorial eye candy, but they're also influencing the industry, creating capsule collections with famous designers and expanding their blogs into mini business empires.
See also: 10 Must-Follow Instagram Accounts for Stylish Women
From the classically chic to the devilishly street-savvy, here are 10 style bloggers worth following on Instagram. Rifle through their virtual closets and glean all the fashion inspiration you could ever need.
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Image: Kristy Sparow/Getty Images

সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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