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Google Chrome Can Now Identify Your Most Annoying Tabs

An new feature in Chrome that first surfaced back in November has finally emerged from beta testing and is now available to all.
The new feature adds a set of icons to your Chrome tabs that help you track down a particularly annoying web page that may be buried in layers of tabbed pages.
See also: Google Chrome Now the No. 1 Browser in the World
For example, if a buried web page suddenly begins playing audio from auto-play advertisement, now instead of furiously hunting for the offending page inside the stack, you can just look for the tab displaying the speaker icon.
Similarly, you can now track down buried web pages that happen to be using your webcam or sending video to your television via a red dot icon or blue square icon respectively.
However, when we tested the new functionality, we found that live video feeds from sites like Justin.tv and Ustream show up as audio icons rather than differentiating from pages playing purely audio streams on sites like Grooveshark and Spotify. But at least you can spot them from the pack.
Google’s update also includes new enhancements that deliver warnings before you inadvertently download malware.
The new version of the Chrome browser is available download here.
BONUS: Google+ Chrome Extensions: 5 More Handy Tools

"Replies and More" offers a mixed bag of functionality, but it comes recommended with a five-star rating.
As well as adding a notification number to the G+ favicon and keeping the header bar at the top of the page, it brings extra functionality to posts.
Instead of the the "Reply" option, you get "Reply to Author" which automatically adds the +name to your response. This also works if you reply to comments on posts. It also creates a drop down box for the share option, giving you the ability to email, tweet or post to your Facebook wall.
Finally, hitting "m" when you've got a post selected mutes it. Try it -- it's quite satisfying simply "M-ing" those noisy Plussers in your stream!
This wizzy extension gives you a quick way to enlarge images in your Google+ stream. With a standard install, it will show a larger version of photos when you hover your cursor over them.
You can also change the settings so that a photo will only enlarge if you hover over it for a certain amount of time, or if you press a function key. We'd definitely recommend taking advantage of the customizable settings. The instant no-holds-barred hover can get tiresome when browsing, but is a useful tool when used with discretion.
This is a good option if you're finding your stream hard on the eye. It changes the appearance of the site by adding a grey background boxes to the posts to make them look more separated. It comes down to personal preference, but you may prefer this developer's version to Google's original design.
Other tricks include a "mute" option at the top of every post (which saves you from selecting mute from the drop down menu) and a fixed menu bar at the top of your display.
This handy little tool adds an icon to your Chrome toolbar that offers a quick and easy way to search public Google+ content.
Google+'s current search tool is geared to finding users, rather than content, although we do expect that to change in the future.
Once installed you simply click on the icon to search the social networking service for keywords. Search options include "all", "posts" and "profile" as well as other related Google products like Buzz and Reader.
This extension fixes the left and/or right menus in place, so if you get lost scrolling down your stream you don't have to head all the way back up to the top of the page to navigate to a different area.
In addition, it can hide the automatically generated "Suggestions" that show up on the left of your screen and get rid of the "Go mobile" promo link.
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Image: Peter Muhly/AFP/Getty Images

সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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প্রাসঙ্গিক আরো কথা
Related contents feature is in beta version.