It's almost impossible to predict the future in the digital age. It seems like every day brings a new app, social network or tech product that changes our lives in a significant way. But that doesn't stop us from speculating about what's next.
New York Times bestselling author Chang-rae Lee crafts his own vision of the future in his dystopian novel On Such a Full Sea. We are reading On Such a Full Sea this month in Mashable's social book club MashableReads. As we read the book, it's made us think: if society were to drastically change in the future, what things from now would we miss the most?
See also: 9 Top Tech Breakthroughs of 2013
Throughout the book, readers follow Fan, a young girl who adventures through a future version of America. Though the setting builds upon the present, Fan's world could not be more different from our own. In the book, America functions as a safe haven for refugees who have escaped from environmentally ruined cities in China. Society is so stratified by class that most people live in abandoned neighborhoods used as labor settlements to grow food for the elite.
To help preserve the present, we want to know what you would put in your 2014 time capsule. Show us on Instagram what you would save for the future for a chance to be featured on Mashable. It can be anything from your smartphone to your favorite food. Don't forget to tag your photos with the hashtag #MashReads. We will be selecting 15 finalists from the submissions to be eligible to win a prize.
Looking for your next great read? Join Mashable's book club and read along with us every month. Follow @mashlifestyle and #MashReads on Twitter. You can also join our Facebook group to discuss your thoughts with fellow readers from around the world.
Image: Flickr, Alan Cleaver
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