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Seth Rogen and James Franco Spoof Kimye's 'Vogue' Cover

Actors Seth Rogen and James Franco can't get enough of spoofing Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.

The comedic duo and real-life friends, who famously recreated West's overly affectionate "Bound 2" music video featuring his ladylove Kardashian, are now having fun with the couple's Vogue cover.

See also: Sorry, Kanye; Zappos Just Mastered the Mic Drop

Rogen recently tweeted a hilariously photoshopped image of their faces superimposed onto the bodies of Kardashian and West:

The original April issue of Vogue, whose cover image was taken by famed photographer Annie Leibovitz, includes the hashtag #worldsmosttalkedaboutcouple. The issue hits newsstands on March 31, and is available via digital download for tablets on March 24.

Brands are also capitalizing on the much-discussed cover. In an effort to plug its new movie Muppets Most Wanted, now in theaters, the film's Twitter account tweeted a photo of Kermit and Miss Piggy — dubbed "Kermiggy" — on the cover of a similar magazine called Vague.

Meanwhile, on the heels of unlikely rumors that West bought Kardashian 10 Burger King restaurants as a wedding gift, the company's Twitter account tweeted the following image:

Kardashian and West are getting married on May 24 in Paris.

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সোর্স: http://mashable.com

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