Grumpy Cat wants David Letterman's job.
The long-time Late Show host announced his retirement Thursday, sending the media into a speculation frenzy about who would step into Letterman's loafers in 2015.
See also: The 75 Absolutely Cutest Animals on Instagram
Tina Fey, Stephen Colbert and Jerry Seinfeld need to back off because Grumpy Cat is putting herself in the race. The Internet's most famous feline has released an audition tape showing off her purrr-fect hosting skills. Think the humor of a curmudgeonly Conan with the playfulness of Jimmy Fallon and the hairiness of Jimmy Kimmel.
Sure, she only just turned two, but she's a seasoned showbiz pro. And thanks to Friskies, she spends a lot of time hanging out in New York City rubbing furry elbows with media-types and hobnobbing at parties. Typical celebrity.
Heeeerrrrrreee's Grumpy.
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