Television is changing, and so are the devices we watch it on. A new study from Ooyala, a digital video provider with customers like ESPN, FOX Sports and Comedy Central, found that mobile and tablet video consumption grew 133% year-over-year. Video that was streamed to tablets and mobile devices...
সামুতে বারবার ইসলাম ধর্মকে অবমাননা করলেও কর্তৃপক্ষের নিশ্চুপ থাকার বিরুদ্ধে প্রতিবাদ হিসাবে ব্লগিং বন্ধ করলাম এখানে। ধিক্কার সামুর কর্তৃপক্ষকে H> Hope for a bright future. A> Affection and love P> Peace for the heart P> Prosperity that unlimitted Y> Year-round fun N> Natural...
এখান থেকে দেখে নিতে পারেন:
The coffee is too hot.The air conditioning is too cold.That policy is unfair.The old way worked better.I always get the hardest assignments.My boss never says thank you. You see the problems in your office—the processes that could be improved, the policies that should be changed, the little... ei site a result dekha jachhe
Head of UN panel on Bangladesh elections Francesc Vendrell on Friday said some election-related complaints made by the BNP might be "valid" but those might not have changed the results. Wrapping up a week's visit, Vendrell, head of the UN panel on Bangladesh election formed by the...
Google is rolling out a new design of search to desktop users that includes changes to both organic search results and ads to desktop users.The new design removes underlines, increases the font size and, most important, changes the way ads are labeled in search results. See also: 14 Google Tools...
এক সময় আমি এমন ছিলাম না...এখন যেমন আছি...কেউই হয়তো আগের মত থাকে না... "বাংলা একাডেমি ও একুশে পদকজয়ী লেখক, সাবেক সরকারি কর্মকর্তা" ??!! কস কি মমিন ??!! কেম্নে কি??......উত্তর খুজে পেতেও দেরি হল না।... ১৯৭৭ ও ১৯৯৪... আরে সন দু'টা যেন কিসের ইঙ্গিত দিচ্ছে। কেউ কি বলবেন আমার চিন্তা...
Make that list and check it twice. No, not Santa — we're talking about your list of 2014 New Year's resolutions. It's quite the commitment to spend the next 12 months working toward a goal, which is probably why most of these aspirations fall by the wayside come February.See also: 24 New Year's...
Microsoft's search engine Bing may be censoring some search results in Chinese — even when the searcher is in the United States.When searching for a term that's controversial in China, like the Dalai Lama, Bing displays very different results if you search in Chinese than in English. The...
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voting centers should be closed by now and the results may be published outside the center soon. we will highly appreciate if you can report the real figures from your center, take a snap of the notice with your mobile if you can or just note down the results and voting...
After all the "Sochi Problems," after Friday's epic opening ceremony, the 2014 Winter Olympics brought us something we hadn't yet seen on Saturday: Medal rounds! Sage Kotsenburg started the day by winning the first-ever snowboarding slopestyle contest in Olympic history. Sisters Justine and...
Yahoo has bolstered its efforts in the field of contextual search by integrating Yelp content alongside its search and maps products.Content from Yelp, including reviews, business information and pictures, will be prominently displayed, particularly when users search for local businesses. The...
With the new golden age of television fiercely competing with major motion pictures for our time, it’s never been more important to be able to keep track of your favorite TV shows. Responding to this uptick in the popularity of TV, Google will now include listings of television episodes and...