Now a day’s we observe some transaction problems in our country. Sometimes we get afraid to carry a big amount of money. EMT card can be the solution of this problem. It will be the machine-readable card. This card will be used like a bank note. EMT card means: A bank can issue this EMT card. This card will be machine-readable card .One has to collect EMT card by paying money to the bank. After collecting EMT card he can check it through ATM machine. But the difference with ATM card is: By using this card one can’t transfer money. He can pay or receive this card instead of any currency. One can easily carry this card instead of currency. If one buys goods of 100000 TK. He can pay 100000 TK EMT card to the seller. The seller will avail to collect money of 100000 TK by handover it to the certain bank of any branch. The bank will keep this card safely & will sell it again to the other customers. You can tell me what’s the difference between EMT card & Bank Check? Sometimes we can’t trust the check. Because some people pay fake check at the time of transaction. But in this system there is no chance to be faked. Because this card will ensure a certain amount of money & you can check it through ATM machine. None can also transfer any amount of money from this card. These cards are 3 types: 1. Bearer Card with easy amount 2. Bearer Card with certain amount 3. Protected EMT card Bearer Card with easy amount (BE card): Bank will issue EMT card with easy amount. For this bank can sell 1 lak TK, 2 lak TK, 3 lak TK, 4 lak TK, 5 lak TK, 6 lak TK, 7 lak TK, 8 lak TK, 9 lak TK, 10 lak TK, EMT card etc, in to the market. People will buy suitable amount of EMT card for their transaction. In here the people who submit the card in the bank, he will avail to withdraw money or deposit to his bank account. Besides these in this card (for checking card) no password will be used. Bearer Card with certain amount (BC card): People can want an EMT card with specific amount from the bank, at that time bank can issue BC card. As an example: Mr. Ahsan does business of cloth. He wants 6570200 TK EMT card From Dutch Bangla Bank. The bank can issue an EMT card of 6570200 TK for Mr. Ahsan. Then Mr. Ahsan buys goods of 6570200 TK & pays it to Mr. Zunied. Then Mr. Zunied checks it by ATM machine. After a day Mr. Zunied buys some goods from Mr. Khorshed by this card. In this way EMT card will be used as a bank note. Besides these in this card (for checking card) no password will be used Protected & Conditional EMT Card (PC card): This card’s will have a password. People can’t directly withdraw money by this card. At the time of buying this card, the buyer will mention the account no: which will be deposited by PC card. By using password the accountholder will deposit his account. After depositing process the authority will destroy this card. Profit of Bank: Bank will take charge for EMT card. The charge of PC card will be highest, then BC & then BE card. That mean PC charge >BC charge > BE charge. Inflation Problem & Solution: EMT card will be used like bank note; so it’s clear that it will create inflation problems. To keep inflation in suitable rate, the Commercial Bank & the Central Bank should take necessary steps. My opinion is: the Commercial Bank has to deposit a certain amount of money to the Central Bank that it wants to issue for EMT card. As a example: Dutch Bangla Bank will issue 10 core TK for EMT card during 15 days, so it has to deposit 10 core TK to the Central Bank for 15 days. After 15 days if it sell EMT card of 8 cores TK, then it will collect 2 cores TK from the Central Bank by paying the EMT card of 2 cores TK. After that if the Bank wants to sell EMT Card 10 core TK, at first it has to collect EMT card of 2 cores TK by depositing 2 cores TK from the Central Bank. Then it will deposit 8 cores TK to the Central Bank & will sell EMT car |Easy Money Transaction Card (EMT Card)
অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।