আমাদের কথা খুঁজে নিন


Nuclear Power Plant at Rup-pur.... Hasan Kamrul

খুব জানতে ইচ্ছে করে...তুমি কি সেই আগের মতনই আছো নাকি অনেকখানি বদলে গেছো...

Government has decided to implement a grand project for building up a Nuclear power plant at Rup-pur for producing 600 - 1000 MW electricity with the help of Russian government. Already Cabinet has given moral approval of this draft. Bangladesh and Russia has already made an agreement on Memorandum of Understanding on 13th May of 2009. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) accepted this project for peaceful uses and atomic armed countries also agreed for reducing dearth of electricity. Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission and Russian Atomic Energy Commission jointly have made feasibility study and enthusiastic guide lined from both sides on this project is very positive. Reportedly a great progress has occurred during Bangladeshi Premier last visit to Russia. About 2bn US $ will need for this project which will manage from investing countries for implementation. Historically 439 nuclear power plants are in the world and 16% production comes totally for the world. Bangladesh faces bottomless electricity shortage, that’s why many of industries is now unproductive, many power plants shut-downed, it’s a completely worsen situation for the government for the country. Every government when comes to power they give the commitment for un-interrupting electricity supply but government did not carry on their commitment when they are leaving their tenure. Bangladeshi peoples could have the consideration for rating the government success mostly on distribution of electricity to continue image of the supremacy of power. It is very natural things that development of the nation is completely depended on power production, without electricity you can not imagine civil society for a moment. It is the panic for wastage management because it remains unchanged for long term as 100 years. Unrecoverable diseases like born- cancer attacks children especially new born children year to year. The children who will produce the nuclear wastage attack after their birth, they will physically disable forever, if the wastage will not manage properly, land fertility has been destroyed forever. It’ll a tremendous end product of nuclear reactor for the local people. Several nuclear accidents (related to nuclear wastage management) occurred in the world like Chernobyl accident was occurred in Ukraine in 1986, Mayak accident in Russia in 1957, Wind scale accident in 1957, Miles Island accident in America in 1979, another two accidents were also occurred in Russia in 1969 and 1980 respectively for falsifying reactor design. Vandalaus nuclear power reactor was busted in 1989 in Spain. World could not forget the intensity of two accidents which occurred in 2002 and 2003 respectively in America and Hungary. In a word, it is undeniable for nuclear power reactor future depends on proper design, if reactor will design properly, that plant will be fruitful for long ever. Nuclear Power Plant never emits carbon like hydro and wind electricity plant that could not play any role for climate change. So it is very environment friend technology for power production. Historically, Three Mile Island was built up in 1970 to follow the Generation-2 technology and reactor was received a serious accident in 1979. Chernobyl power reactor was made by using Generation-1 technology and reactor collapsed in 1986 with huge radiation. Uranium is non-renewable mineral used as raw materials for nuclear reactor. This mineral is very limited in the world and countable reserve comes to an end. That’s why, world struggles to find out an alternative energy resource, renewable energy becomes the headache for the scientist for long survive. Solar energy is the first priority for the scientist. Every developed nation meets the solar energy to ensure a good future. It is very natural that Bangladesh has no world class nuclear expert for maintenance the Rup pur nuclear power plant, if this plant comes to light in future, expert will take into service from other countries to run the project. Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) is an organization of Bangladesh government to do the nuclear related activities all over the country, this commission researches for long time for locating the uranium reserve, somewhere they have found the commercial reserve, if Rup-pur is successful, the raw materials will be supplied from BAEC’s discovered areas. Bangladesh has signed in NPT and CTBT in 2000 for reducing the nuclear arms in the world. In 2000, AL government was also trying to set up Rup-pur nuclear power plant and an agreement was also signed in Washington for peaceful usage of power production. In 1997, expert team had visited in Bangladesh and pre-implementation work phase was practiced for 10 weeks in Dhaka. A nuclear plant will need 3 to 4 years for completion of installation program. Now this government has remaining another 3 years so it is quite impossible to complete this plant in this time. If this government will not come on power in next time, this un-finishing project will be rejected by the rival government. However, government must think it wisely before starting implementation phase because huge fund will be necessary for this project. Peoples would like to get the earlier out come from government and long term project will not carry out people happiness for politics.

অনলাইনে ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে থাকা কথা গুলোকেই সহজে জানবার সুবিধার জন্য একত্রিত করে আমাদের কথা । এখানে সংগৃহিত কথা গুলোর সত্ব (copyright) সম্পূর্ণভাবে সোর্স সাইটের লেখকের এবং আমাদের কথাতে প্রতিটা কথাতেই সোর্স সাইটের রেফারেন্স লিংক উধৃত আছে ।